'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import EditionActions from '../../../../../../actions/edition_actions'; import MarketAdditionalDataForm from '../market_forms/market_additional_data_form'; import AclFormFactory from '../../../../../ascribe_forms/acl_form_factory'; import ConsignForm from '../../../../../ascribe_forms/form_consign'; import ModalWrapper from '../../../../../ascribe_modal/modal_wrapper'; import AclProxy from '../../../../../acl_proxy'; import ApiUrls from '../../../../../../constants/api_urls'; import { getAclFormMessage, getAclFormDataId } from '../../../../../../utils/form_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../../../../../utils/lang_utils'; let MarketSubmitButton = React.createClass({ propTypes: { availableAcls: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, currentUser: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, editions: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired, whitelabel: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, className: React.PropTypes.string, handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func }, canEditionBeSubmitted(edition) { if (edition && edition.extra_data && edition.other_data) { const { extra_data: { artist_bio: artistBio, display_instructions: displayInstructions, technology_details: technologyDetails, work_description: workDescription }, other_data: otherData } = edition; return artistBio && displayInstructions && technologyDetails && workDescription && otherData.length; } return false; }, getAggregateEditionDetails() { const { editions } = this.props; // Currently, we only care if all the given editions are from the same parent piece // and if they can be submitted return editions.reduce((details, curEdition) => { return { solePieceId: details.solePieceId === curEdition.parent ? details.solePieceId : null, canSubmit: details.canSubmit && this.canEditionBeSubmitted(curEdition) }; }, { solePieceId: editions.length > 0 ? editions[0].parent : null, canSubmit: this.canEditionBeSubmitted(editions[0]) }); }, getFormDataId() { return getAclFormDataId(false, this.props.editions); }, handleAdditionalDataSuccess() { this.refs.consignModal.show(); }, refreshEdition() { if (this.props.editions.length === 1) { EditionActions.fetchEdition(this.props.editions[0].bitcoin_id); } }, render() { const { availableAcls, currentUser, className, editions, handleSuccess, whitelabel: { name: whitelabelName = 'Market', user: whitelabelAdminEmail } } = this.props; const { solePieceId, canSubmit } = this.getAggregateEditionDetails(); const message = getAclFormMessage({ aclName: 'acl_consign', entities: editions, isPiece: false, additionalMessage: getLangText('Suggested price:'), senderName: currentUser.username }); // If only a single piece is selected, all the edition's extra_data and other_data will // be the same, so we just take the first edition's const { extra_data: extraData, other_data: otherData } = solePieceId ? editions[0] : {}; const triggerButton = ( ); const consignForm = ( ); if (solePieceId && !canSubmit) { return ( { if (typeof handleSuccess === 'function') { handleSuccess(...params); } this.refreshEdition(); }} title={getLangText('Consign artwork')}> {consignForm} ); } else { return ( {consignForm} ); } } }); export default MarketSubmitButton;