'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import DatePicker from 'react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker'; import Router from 'react-router'; import Col from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Col'; import Row from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Row'; import AppConstants from '../constants/application_constants'; import LicenseActions from '../actions/license_actions'; import LicenseStore from '../stores/license_store'; import PieceListStore from '../stores/piece_list_store'; import PieceListActions from '../actions/piece_list_actions'; import UserStore from '../stores/user_store'; import GlobalNotificationModel from '../models/global_notification_model'; import GlobalNotificationActions from '../actions/global_notification_actions'; import Form from './ascribe_forms/form'; import Property from './ascribe_forms/property'; import LoginContainer from './login_container'; import SlidesContainer from './ascribe_slides_container/slides_container'; import apiUrls from '../constants/api_urls'; import ReactS3FineUploader from './ascribe_uploader/react_s3_fine_uploader'; import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/general_utils'; import { getCookie } from '../utils/fetch_api_utils'; let RegisterPiece = React.createClass( { mixins: [Router.Navigation], getInitialState(){ return mergeOptions( LicenseStore.getState(), UserStore.getState(), PieceListStore.getState(), { digitalWorkKey: null, uploadStatus: false, selectedLicense: 0, isFineUploaderEditable: false }); }, componentDidMount() { LicenseActions.fetchLicense(); LicenseStore.listen(this.onChange); PieceListStore.listen(this.onChange); UserStore.listen(this.onChange); }, componentWillUnmount() { LicenseStore.unlisten(this.onChange); PieceListStore.unlisten(this.onChange); UserStore.unlisten(this.onChange); }, onChange(state) { this.setState(state); // once the currentUser object from UserStore is defined (eventually the user was transitioned // to the login form via the slider and successfully logged in), we can direct him back to the // register_piece slide if(state.currentUser && state.currentUser.email || this.state.currentUser && this.state.currentUser.email) { this.refs.slidesContainer.setSlideNum(0); // we should also make the fineuploader component editable again this.setState({ isFineUploaderEditable: true }); } }, handleSuccess(response){ let notification = new GlobalNotificationModel(response.notification, 'success', 10000); GlobalNotificationActions.appendGlobalNotification(notification); // once the user was able to register a piece successfully, we need to make sure to keep // the piece list up to date PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(this.state.page, this.state.pageSize, this.state.searchTerm, this.state.orderBy, this.state.orderAsc); this.transitionTo('edition', {editionId: response.edition.bitcoin_id}); }, getFormData(){ let data = {}; for (let ref in this.refs.form.refs){ data[this.refs.form.refs[ref].props.name] = this.refs.form.refs[ref].state.value; } data.digital_work_key = this.state.digitalWorkKey; return data; }, submitKey(key){ this.setState({ digitalWorkKey: key }); }, setIsUploadReady(isReady) { this.setState({ isUploadReady: isReady }); }, isReadyForFormSubmission(files) { files = files.filter((file) => file.status !== 'deleted' && file.status !== 'canceled'); if (files.length > 0 && files[0].status === 'upload successful') { return true; } else { return false; } }, onLicenseChange(event){ //console.log(this.state.licenses[event.target.selectedIndex].url); this.setState({selectedLicense: event.target.selectedIndex}); }, getLicenses() { if (this.state.licenses && this.state.licenses.length > 1) { return ( Learn more }> ); } return null; }, changeSlide() { // only transition to the login store, if user is not logged in // ergo the currentUser object is not properly defined if(!this.state.currentUser.email) { this.refs.slidesContainer.setSlideNum(1); } }, render() { return (

Lock down title

Register work } spinner={ }> {this.getLicenses()}
); } }); let FileUploader = React.createClass({ propTypes: { setIsUploadReady: React.PropTypes.func, submitKey: React.PropTypes.func, isReadyForFormSubmission: React.PropTypes.func, onClick: React.PropTypes.func, // editable is used to lock react fine uploader in case // a user is actually not logged in already to prevent him from droping files // before login in editable: React.PropTypes.bool }, render() { return ( ); } }); let InputDate = React.createClass({ propTypes: { placeholderText: React.PropTypes.string, onChange: React.PropTypes.func }, getInitialState() { return { value: null, value_formatted: null }; }, handleChange(date) { this.setState({ value: date, value_formatted: date.format('YYYY')}); let event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent('click', false, true); document.dispatchEvent(event); event.target.value = date; this.props.onChange(event); }, render: function () { return ( ); } }); export default RegisterPiece;