'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import { displayValidProgressFilesFilter } from '../react_s3_fine_uploader_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils'; import { truncateTextAtCharIndex } from '../../../utils/general_utils'; const { func, array, bool, shape, string } = React.PropTypes; export default function UploadButton({ className = 'btn btn-default btn-sm' } = {}) { return React.createClass({ displayName: 'UploadButton', propTypes: { onDrop: func.isRequired, filesToUpload: array, multiple: bool, // For simplification purposes we're just going to use this prop as a // label for the upload button fileClassToUpload: shape({ singular: string, plural: string }), allowedExtensions: string, // provided by ReactS3FineUploader handleCancelFile: func, handleDeleteFile: func }, getInitialState() { return { disabled: this.getUploadingFiles().length !== 0 }; }, componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if(this.props.filesToUpload !== nextProps.filesToUpload) { this.setState({ disabled: this.getUploadingFiles(nextProps.filesToUpload).length !== 0 }); } }, handleDrop(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); let files = event.target.files; if(typeof this.props.onDrop === 'function' && files) { this.props.onDrop(files); } }, getUploadingFiles(filesToUpload = this.props.filesToUpload) { return filesToUpload.filter((file) => file.status === 'uploading'); }, getUploadedFile() { return this.props.filesToUpload.filter((file) => file.status === 'upload successful')[0]; }, clearSelection() { this.refs.fileSelector.getDOMNode().value = ''; }, handleOnClick() { if(!this.state.disabled) { let evt; // First, remove any currently uploading or uploaded items this.onClickRemove(); try { evt = new MouseEvent('click', { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); } catch(e) { // For browsers that do not support the new MouseEvent syntax evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 80, 20, false, false, false, false, 0, null); } evt.stopPropagation(); this.refs.fileSelector.getDOMNode().dispatchEvent(evt); } }, onClickRemove() { const uploadingFiles = this.getUploadingFiles(); const uploadedFile = this.getUploadedFile(); this.clearSelection(); if(uploadingFiles.length) { this.props.handleCancelFile(uploadingFiles[0].id); } else if(uploadedFile && !uploadedFile.s3UrlSafe) { this.props.handleCancelFile(uploadedFile.id); } else if(uploadedFile && uploadedFile.s3UrlSafe) { this.props.handleDeleteFile(uploadedFile.id); } }, getButtonLabel() { let { filesToUpload, fileClassToUpload } = this.props; // filter invalid files that might have been deleted or canceled... filesToUpload = filesToUpload.filter(displayValidProgressFilesFilter); if(this.getUploadingFiles().length !== 0) { return getLangText('Upload progress') + ': ' + Math.ceil(filesToUpload[0].progress) + '%'; } else { return fileClassToUpload.singular; } }, getUploadedFileLabel() { const uploadedFile = this.getUploadedFile(); const uploadingFiles = this.getUploadingFiles(); if(uploadingFiles.length) { return ( {' ' + truncateTextAtCharIndex(uploadingFiles[0].name, 40) + ' '} [{getLangText('cancel upload')}] ); } else if(uploadedFile) { return ( {' ' + truncateTextAtCharIndex(uploadedFile.name, 40) + ' '} [{getLangText('remove')}] ); } else { return ( {getLangText('No file chosen')} ); } }, render() { const { multiple, allowedExtensions } = this.props; const { disabled } = this.state; /* * We do not want a button that submits here. * As UploadButton could be used in forms that want to be submitted independent * of clicking the selector. * Therefore the wrapping component needs to be an `anchor` tag instead of a `button` */ return (