'use strict'; import React from 'react'; import { History } from 'react-router'; import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button'; import ButtonGroup from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ButtonGroup'; import LinkContainer from 'react-router-bootstrap/lib/LinkContainer'; import PrizeActions from '../../simple_prize/actions/prize_actions'; import PrizeStore from '../../simple_prize/stores/prize_store'; import { omitFromObject } from '../../../../../utils/general_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../../../../utils/lang_utils'; const PRLanding = React.createClass({ propTypes: { // Provided from PrizeApp currentUser: React.PropTypes.object, whitelabel: React.PropTypes.object, // Provided from router location: React.PropTypes.object }, mixins: [History], getInitialState() { return PrizeStore.getState(); }, componentDidMount() { const { location } = this.props; PrizeStore.listen(this.onChange); PrizeActions.fetchPrize(); if (location.query.redirect) { window.setTimeout(() => this.history.replace({ pathname: `/${location.query.redirect}`, query: omitFromObject(location.query, ['redirect']) })); } }, componentWillUnmount() { PrizeStore.unlisten(this.onChange); }, onChange(state) { this.setState(state); }, getButtons() { if (this.state.prize && this.state.prize.active) { return (

{getLangText('or, already an ascribe user?')}

); } else { return ( {getLangText('Sign up to ascribe')}

{getLangText('or, already an ascribe user?')}

); } }, getTitle() { const { prize } = this.state; return (

{getLangText(prize && prize.active ? 'This is the submission page for Portfolio Review 2016.' : 'Submissions for Portfolio Review 2016 are now closed.')}

); }, render() { return (

{getLangText('Welcome to Portfolio Review 2016')}

{this.getTitle()} {this.getButtons()}
); } }); export default PRLanding;