'use strict'; import 'babel/polyfill'; import 'classlist-polyfill'; import React from 'react'; import { Router, Redirect } from 'react-router'; import history from './history'; import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'; import ApiUrls from './constants/api_urls'; import AppConstants from './constants/application_constants'; import getRoutes from './routes'; import requests from './utils/requests'; import { updateApiUrls } from './constants/api_urls'; import { getDefaultSubdomainSettings, getSubdomainSettings } from './utils/constants_utils'; import { initLogging } from './utils/error_utils'; import { getSubdomain } from './utils/general_utils'; import EventActions from './actions/event_actions'; // You can comment out the modules you don't need // import DebugHandler from './third_party/debug_handler'; import FacebookHandler from './third_party/facebook_handler'; import GoogleAnalyticsHandler from './third_party/ga_handler'; import IntercomHandler from './third_party/intercom_handler'; import NotificationsHandler from './third_party/notifications_handler'; import RavenHandler from './third_party/raven_handler'; const AppGateway = { start() { try { const subdomain = getSubdomain(); const settings = getSubdomainSettings(subdomain); AppConstants.whitelabel = settings; updateApiUrls(settings.type, subdomain); this.load(settings); } catch(err) { // if there are no matching subdomains, we're routing // to the default frontend console.logGlobal(err); this.load(getDefaultSubdomainSettings()); } }, load(settings) { const { subdomain, type } = settings; let redirectRoute = (); if (subdomain) { // Some whitelabels have landing pages so we should not automatically redirect from / to /collection. // Only www and cc do not have a landing page. if (subdomain !== 'cc' || subdomain === 'bokk') { redirectRoute = null; } // Adds a client specific class to the body for whitelabel styling window.document.body.classList.add('client--' + subdomain); } // Send the applicationWillBoot event to the third-party stores EventActions.applicationWillBoot(settings); // `history.listen` is called on every route change, which is perfect for // us in that case. history.listen(EventActions.routeDidChange); React.render(( {redirectRoute} {getRoutes(type, subdomain)} ), document.getElementById('main')); // Send the applicationDidBoot event to the third-party stores EventActions.applicationDidBoot(settings); } }; // Initialize pre-start components initLogging(); requests.defaults({ urlMap: ApiUrls, http: { headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, credentials: 'include' } }); // And bootstrap app AppGateway.start();