# Feature list This list specifies all features in Onion that ought to be tested before actually pushing live: - sign up & email activation - login - log out - form input + reset + save + disabled state - form checkbox + reset + save + disabled state - create app + refresh token - loan contract + upload + download + delete - register work + with edition + without edition + correct encoding of video upload - fineuploader + upload file + upload multiple files + delete file + cancel upload of file - create editions + in piece list + in piece detail - all notes in edition/piece detail - transfer & consign & loan & share & delete + bulk + single + withdraw - piece list + filter (also check for correct filtering of opened edition tables) + order + search + pagination + expandable edition list for piece - download coa ## sluice - hero landing page - activation email - submission (also check extra form fields) + of existing pieces + newly registered pieces - rating + in piece list + in piece detail - short listing (not yet implemented) - piece list + order by rating ## Cyland - hero landing page - activation email - submission (check states of submission (1,2,3))