mirror of https://github.com/ascribe/onion.git synced 2025-01-18 08:46:10 +01:00

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This commit is contained in:
Brett Sun 2015-12-08 16:11:27 +01:00
parent a844189e86
commit b02f6d7695
156 changed files with 3795 additions and 1969 deletions

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@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# Feature list
This list specifies all features in Onion that ought to be tested before actually pushing live:
- sign up & email activation
- login
- log out
- form input
+ reset
+ save
+ disabled state
- form checkbox
+ reset
+ save
+ disabled state
- create app
+ refresh token
- loan contract
+ upload
+ download
+ delete
- register work
+ with edition
+ without edition
+ correct encoding of video upload
- fineuploader
+ upload file
+ upload multiple files
+ delete file
+ cancel upload of file
- create editions
+ in piece list
+ in piece detail
- all notes in edition/piece detail
- transfer & consign & loan & share & delete
+ bulk
+ single
+ withdraw
- piece list
+ filter (also check for correct filtering of opened edition tables)
+ order
+ search
+ pagination
+ expandable edition list for piece
- download coa
## sluice
- hero landing page
- activation email
- submission (also check extra form fields)
+ of existing pieces
+ newly registered pieces
- rating
+ in piece list
+ in piece detail
- short listing (not yet implemented)
- piece list
+ order by rating
## Cyland
- hero landing page
- activation email
- submission (check states of submission (1,2,3))

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c3.502,0.422,6.671-2.107,7.073-5.613C533.15,223.599,530.636,220.434,527.134,220.031 M509.485,171.556
l-1.659-12.666C516.711,170.178,511.983,170.925,509.485,171.556 M574.729,231.505c-0.075,3.552-0.609,7.126-1.555,10.646
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l1.805-12.643C532.281,170.021,530.393,169.835,528.501,169.732 M580.102,201.75c-2.626-4.757-5.824-9.101-9.507-12.903
C583.249,208.139,581.818,204.859,580.102,201.75 M531.03,248.33c-0.688-0.098-1.407-0.274-2.113-0.499l-3.888,12.154
C531.818,248.416,531.422,248.384,531.03,248.33 M538.768,247.306c-1.088,0.461-2.356,0.807-3.59,1.002l1.932,12.615
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C525.446,246.069,525.173,245.869,524.923,245.663 M499.942,254.168c-1.387-2.659-2.426-5.527-3.093-8.531
c0.576,1.099,1.197,2.159,1.851,3.204l10.814-6.779C500.815,255.746,500.361,254.972,499.942,254.168 M506.385,215.056
C504.323,217.053,505.324,216.006,506.385,215.056 M538.66,211.746l6.869-10.757c-1.771-1.12-3.602-2.104-5.488-2.904
l-4.987,11.759C536.281,210.365,537.496,211.015,538.66,211.746 M544.099,216.451c1.263,1.47,2.38,3.214,3.243,5.053
C542.658,214.867,543.405,215.637,544.099,216.451 M518.809,208.576l-2.863-12.439c0.422-0.098,0.842-0.213,1.27-0.297


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View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
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<wide310x150logo src="images/hq-favicons/mstile-310x150.png"/>

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 15 KiB

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
"name": "Ascribe",
"icons": [
"src": "images\/hq-favicons\/android-chrome-36x36.png",
"sizes": "36x36",
"type": "image\/png",
"density": "0.75"
"src": "images\/hq-favicons\/android-chrome-48x48.png",
"sizes": "48x48",
"type": "image\/png",
"density": "1.0"
"src": "images\/hq-favicons\/android-chrome-72x72.png",
"sizes": "72x72",
"type": "image\/png",
"density": "1.5"
"src": "images\/hq-favicons\/android-chrome-96x96.png",
"sizes": "96x96",
"type": "image\/png",
"density": "2.0"
"src": "images\/hq-favicons\/android-chrome-144x144.png",
"sizes": "144x144",
"type": "image\/png",
"density": "3.0"

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.3 KiB

View File

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ class ContractAgreementListActions {
if (contractAgreementList.count > 0) { if (contractAgreementList.count > 0) {
this.actions.updateContractAgreementList(contractAgreementList.results); this.actions.updateContractAgreementList(contractAgreementList.results);
resolve(contractAgreementList.results); resolve(contractAgreementList.results);
} } else {
resolve(null); resolve(null);
} }
}) })
@ -35,13 +34,13 @@ class ContractAgreementListActions {
); );
} }
fetchAvailableContractAgreementList(issuer, createContractAgreement) { fetchAvailableContractAgreementList(issuer, createPublicContractAgreement) {
return Q.Promise((resolve, reject) => { return Q.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
OwnershipFetcher.fetchContractAgreementList(issuer, true, null) OwnershipFetcher.fetchContractAgreementList(issuer, true, null)
.then((acceptedContractAgreementList) => { .then((acceptedContractAgreementList) => {
// if there is at least an accepted contract agreement, we're going to // if there is at least an accepted contract agreement, we're going to
// use it // use it
if(acceptedContractAgreementList.count > 0) { if (acceptedContractAgreementList.count > 0) {
this.actions.updateContractAgreementList(acceptedContractAgreementList.results); this.actions.updateContractAgreementList(acceptedContractAgreementList.results);
} else { } else {
// otherwise, we're looking for contract agreements that are still pending // otherwise, we're looking for contract agreements that are still pending
@ -50,15 +49,13 @@ class ContractAgreementListActions {
// overcomplicate the method // overcomplicate the method
OwnershipFetcher.fetchContractAgreementList(issuer, null, true) OwnershipFetcher.fetchContractAgreementList(issuer, null, true)
.then((pendingContractAgreementList) => { .then((pendingContractAgreementList) => {
if(pendingContractAgreementList.count > 0) { if (pendingContractAgreementList.count > 0) {
this.actions.updateContractAgreementList(pendingContractAgreementList.results); this.actions.updateContractAgreementList(pendingContractAgreementList.results);
} else { } else if (createPublicContractAgreement) {
// if there was neither a pending nor an active contractAgreement // if there was neither a pending nor an active contractAgreement
// found and createContractAgreement is set to true, we create a // found and createPublicContractAgreement is set to true, we create a
// new contract agreement // new public contract agreement
if(createContractAgreement) { this.actions.createContractAgreementFromPublicContract(issuer);
} }
}) })
.catch((err) => { .catch((err) => {
@ -81,8 +78,7 @@ class ContractAgreementListActions {
// create an agreement with the public contract if there is one // create an agreement with the public contract if there is one
if (publicContract && publicContract.length > 0) { if (publicContract && publicContract.length > 0) {
return this.actions.createContractAgreement(null, publicContract[0]); return this.actions.createContractAgreement(null, publicContract[0]);
} } else {
else {
/* /*
contractAgreementList in the store is already set to null; contractAgreementList in the store is already set to null;
*/ */
@ -91,21 +87,17 @@ class ContractAgreementListActions {
if (publicContracAgreement) { if (publicContracAgreement) {
this.actions.updateContractAgreementList([publicContracAgreement]); this.actions.updateContractAgreementList([publicContracAgreement]);
} }
}).catch((err) => { }).catch(console.logGlobal);
} }
createContractAgreement(issuer, contract){ createContractAgreement(issuer, contract){
return Q.Promise((resolve, reject) => { return Q.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
OwnershipFetcher.createContractAgreement(issuer, contract).then( OwnershipFetcher
(contractAgreement) => { .createContractAgreement(issuer, contract).then(resolve)
resolve(contractAgreement); .catch((err) => {
} console.logGlobal(err);
).catch((err) => { reject(err);
console.logGlobal(err); });
}); });
} }
} }

View File

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ import EditionFetcher from '../fetchers/edition_fetcher';
class EditionActions { class EditionActions {
constructor() { constructor() {
this.generateActions( this.generateActions(
'updateEdition' 'updateEdition',
); );
} }
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ class EditionActions {
}) })
.catch((err) => { .catch((err) => {
console.logGlobal(err); console.logGlobal(err);
}); });
} }
} }

View File

@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
import { alt } from '../alt'; import { alt } from '../alt';
class GlobalNotificationActions { class GlobalNotificationActions {
constructor() { constructor() {
this.generateActions( this.generateActions(
'appendGlobalNotification', 'appendGlobalNotification',
'shiftGlobalNotification', 'shiftGlobalNotification',
'emulateEmptyStore' 'cooldownGlobalNotifications',
); );
} }
} }

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ class PieceActions {
constructor() { constructor() {
this.generateActions( this.generateActions(
'updatePiece', 'updatePiece',
'updateProperty' 'updateProperty',
); );
} }
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ class PieceActions {
}) })
.catch((err) => { .catch((err) => {
console.logGlobal(err); console.logGlobal(err);
}); });
} }
} }

View File

@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ let AccordionListItemEditionWidget = React.createClass({
return ( return (
<AscribeSpinner <AscribeSpinner
size='sm' size='sm'
classNames='pull-right margin-left-2px'/> classNames='pull-right margin-left-2px'/>
); );
} else { } else {

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router'; import { Link } from 'react-router';
import AccordionListItem from './accordion_list_item'; import AccordionListItem from './accordion_list_item';
import AccordionListItemThumbnailPlacholder from './accordion_list_item_thumbnail_placeholder';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
@ -19,7 +20,14 @@ let AccordionListItemPiece = React.createClass({
]), ]),
subsubheading: React.PropTypes.object, subsubheading: React.PropTypes.object,
buttons: React.PropTypes.object, buttons: React.PropTypes.object,
badge: React.PropTypes.object badge: React.PropTypes.object,
thumbnailPlaceholder: React.PropTypes.func
getDefaultProps() {
return {
thumbnailPlaceholder: AccordionListItemThumbnailPlacholder
}, },
getLinkData() { getLinkData() {
@ -34,19 +42,23 @@ let AccordionListItemPiece = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
const { className, piece, artistName, buttons, badge, children, subsubheading } = this.props; const {
thumbnailPlaceholder: ThumbnailPlaceholder } = this.props;
const { url, url_safe } = piece.thumbnail; const { url, url_safe } = piece.thumbnail;
let thumbnail; let thumbnail;
// Since we're going to refactor the thumbnail generation anyway at one point, // Since we're going to refactor the thumbnail generation anyway at one point,
// for not use the annoying ascribe_spiral.png, we're matching the url against // for not use the annoying ascribe_spiral.png, we're matching the url against
// this name and replace it with a CSS version of the new logo. // this name and replace it with a CSS version of the new logo.
if(url.match(/https:\/\/.*\/media\/thumbnails\/ascribe_spiral.png/)) { if (url.match(/https:\/\/.*\/media\/thumbnails\/ascribe_spiral.png/)) {
thumbnail = ( thumbnail = (<ThumbnailPlaceholder />);
<span className="ascribe-logo-circle">
} else { } else {
thumbnail = ( thumbnail = (
<div style={{backgroundImage: 'url("' + url_safe + '")'}}/> <div style={{backgroundImage: 'url("' + url_safe + '")'}}/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
'use strict'
import React from 'react';
let AccordionListItemThumbnailPlaceholder = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<span className="ascribe-logo-circle">
export default AccordionListItemThumbnailPlaceholder;

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ let AccordionListItemWallet = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
className: React.PropTypes.string, className: React.PropTypes.string,
content: React.PropTypes.object, content: React.PropTypes.object,
thumbnailPlaceholder: React.PropTypes.func,
children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.element), React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.element),
React.PropTypes.element React.PropTypes.element
@ -123,32 +124,36 @@ let AccordionListItemWallet = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
const { children, className, content, thumbnailPlaceholder } = this.props;
return ( return (
<AccordionListItemPiece <AccordionListItemPiece
className={this.props.className} className={className}
piece={this.props.content} piece={content}
subsubheading={ subsubheading={
<div className="pull-left"> <div className="pull-left">
<span>{Moment(this.props.content.date_created, 'YYYY-MM-DD').year()}</span> <span>{Moment(content.date_created, 'YYYY-MM-DD').year()}</span>
{this.getLicences()} {this.getLicences()}
</div>} </div>
buttons={ buttons={
<div> <div>
<AclProxy <AclProxy
aclObject={this.props.content.acl} aclObject={content.acl}
aclName="acl_view_editions"> aclName="acl_view_editions">
<AccordionListItemEditionWidget <AccordionListItemEditionWidget
className="pull-right" className="pull-right"
piece={this.props.content} piece={content}
toggleCreateEditionsDialog={this.toggleCreateEditionsDialog} toggleCreateEditionsDialog={this.toggleCreateEditionsDialog}
onPollingSuccess={this.onPollingSuccess}/> onPollingSuccess={this.onPollingSuccess}/>
</AclProxy> </AclProxy>
</div>} </div>
badge={this.getGlyphicon()}> }
{this.getCreateEditionsDialog()} {this.getCreateEditionsDialog()}
{/* this.props.children is AccordionListItemTableEditions */} {/* this.props.children is AccordionListItemTableEditions */}
{this.props.children} {children}
</AccordionListItemPiece> </AccordionListItemPiece>
); );
} }

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export default function ({ action, displayName, title, tooltip }) {
availableAcls: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, availableAcls: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
buttonAcceptName: React.PropTypes.string, buttonAcceptName: React.PropTypes.string,
buttonAcceptClassName: React.PropTypes.string, buttonAcceptClassName: React.PropTypes.string,
currentUser: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, currentUser: React.PropTypes.object,
email: React.PropTypes.string, email: React.PropTypes.string,
pieceOrEditions: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ pieceOrEditions: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
React.PropTypes.object, React.PropTypes.object,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
'use strict';
import React from 'react/addons';
const { string, object } = React.PropTypes;
* Originally, this button was introduced for `RegisterPieceForm`.
* The underlying problem that lead to the implementation was that multiple `InputFineuploader`s
* where displayed in one form.
* For the form's submit button always to represent an applicable state we had to save
* the ready states of the multiple uploaders in `RegisterPieceForm`.
* However, on each invocation of `this.setState`, we were re-rendering the form again,
* which caused (if the user had the file-selector open) a detachment between user input and
* displayed page.
* This button helps to outsource the state of the form's readiness to another component,
* to solve the problem.
const FormSubmitButton = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
defaultReadyStates: object.isRequired,
label: string.isRequired
getInitialState() {
return {
readyStates: this.props.defaultReadyStates
setReadyStateForKey(key, state) {
const readyStates = React.addons.update(this.state.readyStates, { [key]: { $set: state } });
this.setState({ readyStates });
render() {
const { label } = this.props;
const { readyStates } = this.state;
// Reduce all readyStates to a single boolean
const ready = Object.keys(readyStates)
.reduce((defaultState, stateKey) => {
return defaultState && readyStates[stateKey];
}, true);
return (
className="btn btn-default btn-wide"
export default FormSubmitButton;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ const CollapsibleParagraph = React.createClass({
React.PropTypes.object, React.PropTypes.object,
React.PropTypes.array React.PropTypes.array
]), ]),
iconName: React.PropTypes.string iconName: React.PropTypes.string,
show: React.PropTypes.bool,
defaultExpanded: React.PropTypes.bool
}, },
getDefaultProps() { getDefaultProps() {

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ let DetailProperty = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
label: React.PropTypes.string, label: React.PropTypes.string,
value: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ value: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
React.PropTypes.string, React.PropTypes.string,
React.PropTypes.element React.PropTypes.element
]), ]),

View File

@ -41,12 +41,20 @@ import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
*/ */
let Edition = React.createClass({ let Edition = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
actionPanelButtonListType: React.PropTypes.func,
furtherDetailsType: React.PropTypes.func,
edition: React.PropTypes.object, edition: React.PropTypes.object,
loadEdition: React.PropTypes.func loadEdition: React.PropTypes.func
}, },
mixins: [History], mixins: [History],
getDefaultProps() {
return {
furtherDetailsType: FurtherDetails
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
return UserStore.getState(); return UserStore.getState();
}, },
@ -74,6 +82,8 @@ let Edition = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
let FurtherDetailsType = this.props.furtherDetailsType;
return ( return (
<Row> <Row>
<Col md={6}> <Col md={6}>
@ -89,6 +99,7 @@ let Edition = React.createClass({
<hr/> <hr/>
</div> </div>
<EditionSummary <EditionSummary
edition={this.props.edition} edition={this.props.edition}
currentUser={this.state.currentUser} currentUser={this.state.currentUser}
handleSuccess={this.props.loadEdition}/> handleSuccess={this.props.loadEdition}/>
@ -136,7 +147,7 @@ let Edition = React.createClass({
currentUser={this.state.currentUser}/> currentUser={this.state.currentUser}/>
<Note <Note
id={() => {return {'bitcoin_id': this.props.edition.bitcoin_id}; }} id={() => {return {'bitcoin_id': this.props.edition.bitcoin_id}; }}
label={getLangText('Edition note (public)')} label={getLangText('Personal note (public)')}
defaultValue={this.props.edition.public_note ? this.props.edition.public_note : null} defaultValue={this.props.edition.public_note ? this.props.edition.public_note : null}
placeholder={getLangText('Enter your comments ...')} placeholder={getLangText('Enter your comments ...')}
editable={!!this.props.edition.acl.acl_edit} editable={!!this.props.edition.acl.acl_edit}
@ -150,7 +161,7 @@ let Edition = React.createClass({
show={this.props.edition.acl.acl_edit show={this.props.edition.acl.acl_edit
|| Object.keys(this.props.edition.extra_data).length > 0 || Object.keys(this.props.edition.extra_data).length > 0
|| this.props.edition.other_data.length > 0}> || this.props.edition.other_data.length > 0}>
<FurtherDetails <FurtherDetailsType
editable={this.props.edition.acl.acl_edit} editable={this.props.edition.acl.acl_edit}
pieceId={this.props.edition.parent} pieceId={this.props.edition.parent}
extraData={this.props.edition.extra_data} extraData={this.props.edition.extra_data}
@ -171,6 +182,7 @@ let Edition = React.createClass({
let EditionSummary = React.createClass({ let EditionSummary = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
actionPanelButtonListType: React.PropTypes.func,
edition: React.PropTypes.object, edition: React.PropTypes.object,
currentUser: React.PropTypes.object, currentUser: React.PropTypes.object,
handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func
@ -183,7 +195,7 @@ let EditionSummary = React.createClass({
getStatus(){ getStatus(){
let status = null; let status = null;
if (this.props.edition.status.length > 0){ if (this.props.edition.status.length > 0){
let statusStr = this.props.edition.status.join().replace(/_/, ' '); let statusStr = this.props.edition.status.join(', ').replace(/_/g, ' ');
status = <EditionDetailProperty label="STATUS" value={ statusStr }/>; status = <EditionDetailProperty label="STATUS" value={ statusStr }/>;
if (this.props.edition.pending_new_owner && this.props.edition.acl.acl_withdraw_transfer){ if (this.props.edition.pending_new_owner && this.props.edition.acl.acl_withdraw_transfer){
status = ( status = (
@ -195,7 +207,7 @@ let EditionSummary = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
let { edition, currentUser } = this.props; let { actionPanelButtonListType, edition, currentUser } = this.props;
return ( return (
<div className="ascribe-detail-header"> <div className="ascribe-detail-header">
<EditionDetailProperty <EditionDetailProperty
@ -210,10 +222,16 @@ let EditionSummary = React.createClass({
value={ edition.owner } /> value={ edition.owner } />
<LicenseDetail license={edition.license_type}/> <LicenseDetail license={edition.license_type}/>
{this.getStatus()} {this.getStatus()}
<AclProxy show={currentUser && currentUser.email}> {/*
`acl_view` is always available in `edition.acl`, therefore if it has
no more than 1 key, we're hiding the `DetailProperty` actions as otherwise
`AclInformation` would show up
<AclProxy show={currentUser && currentUser.email && Object.keys(edition.acl).length > 1}>
<EditionDetailProperty <EditionDetailProperty
label={getLangText('ACTIONS')}> label={getLangText('ACTIONS')}>
<EditionActionPanel <EditionActionPanel
edition={edition} edition={edition}
currentUser={currentUser} currentUser={currentUser}
handleSuccess={this.handleSuccess} /> handleSuccess={this.handleSuccess} />

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
*/ */
let EditionActionPanel = React.createClass({ let EditionActionPanel = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
actionPanelButtonListType: React.PropTypes.func,
edition: React.PropTypes.object, edition: React.PropTypes.object,
currentUser: React.PropTypes.object, currentUser: React.PropTypes.object,
handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func
@ -43,6 +44,12 @@ let EditionActionPanel = React.createClass({
mixins: [History], mixins: [History],
getDefaultProps() {
return {
actionPanelButtonListType: AclButtonList
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
return PieceListStore.getState(); return PieceListStore.getState();
}, },
@ -87,7 +94,10 @@ let EditionActionPanel = React.createClass({
}, },
render(){ render(){
let {edition, currentUser} = this.props; const {
actionPanelButtonListType: ActionPanelButtonListType,
currentUser } = this.props;
if (edition && if (edition &&
edition.notifications && edition.notifications &&
@ -104,7 +114,7 @@ let EditionActionPanel = React.createClass({
return ( return (
<Row> <Row>
<Col md={12}> <Col md={12}>
<AclButtonList <ActionPanelButtonListType
className="ascribe-button-list" className="ascribe-button-list"
availableAcls={edition.acl} availableAcls={edition.acl}
pieceOrEditions={[edition]} pieceOrEditions={[edition]}
@ -119,10 +129,11 @@ let EditionActionPanel = React.createClass({
isInline={true}> isInline={true}>
<Property <Property
name="bitcoin_id" name="bitcoin_id"
hidden={true}> expanded={false}>
<input <input
type="text" type="text"
value={edition.bitcoin_id} /> value={edition.bitcoin_id}
readOnly />
</Property> </Property>
<Button bsStyle="default" className="pull-center" bsSize="small" type="submit"> <Button bsStyle="default" className="pull-center" bsSize="small" type="submit">
@ -139,10 +150,11 @@ let EditionActionPanel = React.createClass({
isInline={true}> isInline={true}>
<Property <Property
name="bitcoin_id" name="bitcoin_id"
hidden={true}> expanded={false}>
<input <input
type="text" type="text"
value={edition.bitcoin_id} /> value={edition.bitcoin_id}
readOnly />
</Property> </Property>
<Button bsStyle="danger" className="btn-delete pull-center" bsSize="small" type="submit"> <Button bsStyle="danger" className="btn-delete pull-center" bsSize="small" type="submit">
@ -164,7 +176,7 @@ let EditionActionPanel = React.createClass({
aim="button" aim="button"
verbs={['acl_share', 'acl_transfer', 'acl_consign', 'acl_loan', 'acl_delete']} verbs={['acl_share', 'acl_transfer', 'acl_consign', 'acl_loan', 'acl_delete']}
aclObject={edition.acl}/> aclObject={edition.acl}/>
</AclButtonList> </ActionPanelButtonListType>
</Col> </Col>
</Row> </Row>
); );

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
'use strict'; 'use strict';
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import { History } from 'react-router';
import ReactError from '../../mixins/react_error';
import { ResourceNotFoundError } from '../../models/errors';
import EditionActions from '../../actions/edition_actions'; import EditionActions from '../../actions/edition_actions';
import EditionStore from '../../stores/edition_store'; import EditionStore from '../../stores/edition_store';
@ -9,6 +13,7 @@ import Edition from './edition';
import AscribeSpinner from '../ascribe_spinner'; import AscribeSpinner from '../ascribe_spinner';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
import { setDocumentTitle } from '../../utils/dom_utils'; import { setDocumentTitle } from '../../utils/dom_utils';
@ -17,9 +22,13 @@ import { setDocumentTitle } from '../../utils/dom_utils';
*/ */
let EditionContainer = React.createClass({ let EditionContainer = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
actionPanelButtonListType: React.PropTypes.func,
furtherDetailsType: React.PropTypes.func,
params: React.PropTypes.object params: React.PropTypes.object
}, },
mixins: [History, ReactError],
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
return EditionStore.getState(); return EditionStore.getState();
}, },
@ -27,11 +36,11 @@ let EditionContainer = React.createClass({
componentDidMount() { componentDidMount() {
EditionStore.listen(this.onChange); EditionStore.listen(this.onChange);
// Every time we enter the edition detail page, just reset the edition // Every time we're entering the edition detail page,
// store as it will otherwise display wrong/old data once the user loads // just reset the edition that is saved in the edition store
// as it will otherwise display wrong/old data once the user loads
// the edition detail a second time // the edition detail a second time
EditionActions.updateEdition({}); EditionActions.updateEdition({});
this.loadEdition(); this.loadEdition();
}, },
@ -44,6 +53,14 @@ let EditionContainer = React.createClass({
} }
}, },
componentDidUpdate() {
const { editionError } = this.state;
if(editionError && editionError.status === 404) {
this.throws(new ResourceNotFoundError(getLangText("Oops, the edition you're looking for doesn't exist.")));
componentWillUnmount() { componentWillUnmount() {
window.clearInterval(this.state.timerId); window.clearInterval(this.state.timerId);
EditionStore.unlisten(this.onChange); EditionStore.unlisten(this.onChange);
@ -71,6 +88,8 @@ let EditionContainer = React.createClass({
return ( return (
<Edition <Edition
edition={this.state.edition} edition={this.state.edition}
loadEdition={this.loadEdition} /> loadEdition={this.loadEdition} />
); );

View File

@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ import ApiUrls from '../../constants/api_urls';
import AppConstants from '../../constants/application_constants'; import AppConstants from '../../constants/application_constants';
import { getCookie } from '../../utils/fetch_api_utils'; import { getCookie } from '../../utils/fetch_api_utils';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
let FurtherDetailsFileuploader = React.createClass({ let FurtherDetailsFileuploader = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
uploadStarted: React.PropTypes.func, label: React.PropTypes.string,
pieceId: React.PropTypes.number, pieceId: React.PropTypes.number,
otherData: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object), otherData: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object),
setIsUploadReady: React.PropTypes.func, setIsUploadReady: React.PropTypes.func,
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ let FurtherDetailsFileuploader = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps() { getDefaultProps() {
return { return {
label: getLangText('Additional files'),
multiple: false multiple: false
}; };
}, },
@ -44,9 +47,8 @@ let FurtherDetailsFileuploader = React.createClass({
return ( return (
<Property <Property
name="other_data_key" name="other_data_key"
label="Additional files"> label={this.props.label}>
<ReactS3FineUploader <ReactS3FineUploader
keyRoutine={{ keyRoutine={{
url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/', url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/',
fileClass: 'otherdata', fileClass: 'otherdata',

View File

@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ let Piece = React.createClass({
subheader: React.PropTypes.object, subheader: React.PropTypes.object,
buttons: React.PropTypes.object, buttons: React.PropTypes.object,
loadPiece: React.PropTypes.func, loadPiece: React.PropTypes.func,
children: React.PropTypes.object children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
}, },

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import React from 'react';
import { History } from 'react-router'; import { History } from 'react-router';
import Moment from 'moment'; import Moment from 'moment';
import ReactError from '../../mixins/react_error';
import { ResourceNotFoundError } from '../../models/errors';
import PieceActions from '../../actions/piece_actions'; import PieceActions from '../../actions/piece_actions';
import PieceStore from '../../stores/piece_store'; import PieceStore from '../../stores/piece_store';
@ -50,10 +53,17 @@ import { setDocumentTitle } from '../../utils/dom_utils';
*/ */
let PieceContainer = React.createClass({ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
furtherDetailsType: React.PropTypes.func,
params: React.PropTypes.object params: React.PropTypes.object
}, },
mixins: [History], mixins: [History, ReactError],
getDefaultProps() {
return {
furtherDetailsType: FurtherDetails
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
return mergeOptions( return mergeOptions(
@ -69,15 +79,22 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
componentDidMount() { componentDidMount() {
UserStore.listen(this.onChange); UserStore.listen(this.onChange);
PieceListStore.listen(this.onChange); PieceListStore.listen(this.onChange);
PieceStore.listen(this.onChange); PieceStore.listen(this.onChange);
// Every time we enter the piece detail page, just reset the piece // Every time we enter the piece detail page, just reset the piece
// store as it will otherwise display wrong/old data once the user loads // store as it will otherwise display wrong/old data once the user loads
// the piece detail a second time // the piece detail a second time
PieceActions.updatePiece({}); PieceActions.updatePiece({});
this.loadPiece(); this.loadPiece();
componentDidUpdate() {
const { pieceError } = this.state;
if(pieceError && pieceError.status === 404) {
this.throws(new ResourceNotFoundError(getLangText("Oops, the piece you're looking for doesn't exist.")));
}, },
componentWillUnmount() { componentWillUnmount() {
@ -102,7 +119,6 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
let pieceState = mergeOptions({}, state.piece); let pieceState = mergeOptions({}, state.piece);
pieceState.acl.acl_loan = false; pieceState.acl.acl_loan = false;
this.setState({ this.setState({
piece: pieceState piece: pieceState
}); });
@ -196,7 +212,12 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
} else { } else {
return ( return (
<AclProxy <AclProxy
show={currentUser && currentUser.email}> show={currentUser && currentUser.email && Object.keys(piece.acl).length > 1}>
`acl_view` is always available in `edition.acl`, therefore if it has
no more than 1 key, we're hiding the `DetailProperty` actions as otherwise
`AclInformation` would show up
<DetailProperty label={getLangText('ACTIONS')}> <DetailProperty label={getLangText('ACTIONS')}>
<AclButtonList <AclButtonList
className="ascribe-button-list" className="ascribe-button-list"
@ -225,7 +246,8 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
if(this.state.piece && this.state.piece.id) { if (this.state.piece && this.state.piece.id) {
let FurtherDetailsType = this.props.furtherDetailsType;
setDocumentTitle([this.state.piece.artist_name, this.state.piece.title].join(', ')); setDocumentTitle([this.state.piece.artist_name, this.state.piece.title].join(', '));
return ( return (
@ -251,7 +273,6 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
} }
buttons={this.getActions()}> buttons={this.getActions()}>
{this.getCreateEditionsDialog()} {this.getCreateEditionsDialog()}
<CollapsibleParagraph <CollapsibleParagraph
title={getLangText('Loan History')} title={getLangText('Loan History')}
show={this.state.piece.loan_history && this.state.piece.loan_history.length > 0}> show={this.state.piece.loan_history && this.state.piece.loan_history.length > 0}>
@ -260,11 +281,14 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
</CollapsibleParagraph> </CollapsibleParagraph>
<CollapsibleParagraph <CollapsibleParagraph
title={getLangText('Notes')} title={getLangText('Notes')}
show={!!(this.state.currentUser.username || this.state.piece.public_note)}> show={!!(this.state.currentUser.username
|| this.state.piece.acl.acl_edit
|| this.state.piece.public_note)}>
<Note <Note
id={this.getId} id={this.getId}
label={getLangText('Personal note (private)')} label={getLangText('Personal note (private)')}
defaultValue={this.state.piece.private_note || null} defaultValue={this.state.piece.private_note || null}
show = {!!this.state.currentUser.username}
placeholder={getLangText('Enter your comments ...')} placeholder={getLangText('Enter your comments ...')}
editable={true} editable={true}
successMessage={getLangText('Private note saved')} successMessage={getLangText('Private note saved')}
@ -272,11 +296,12 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
currentUser={this.state.currentUser}/> currentUser={this.state.currentUser}/>
<Note <Note
id={this.getId} id={this.getId}
label={getLangText('Piece note (public)')} label={getLangText('Personal note (public)')}
defaultValue={this.state.piece.public_note || null} defaultValue={this.state.piece.public_note || null}
placeholder={getLangText('Enter your comments ...')} placeholder={getLangText('Enter your comments ...')}
editable={!!this.state.piece.acl.acl_edit} editable={!!this.state.piece.acl.acl_edit}
successMessage={getLangText('Public piece note saved')} show={!!(this.state.piece.public_note || this.state.piece.acl.acl_edit)}
successMessage={getLangText('Public note saved')}
url={ApiUrls.note_public_piece} url={ApiUrls.note_public_piece}
currentUser={this.state.currentUser}/> currentUser={this.state.currentUser}/>
</CollapsibleParagraph> </CollapsibleParagraph>
@ -286,7 +311,7 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
|| Object.keys(this.state.piece.extra_data).length > 0 || Object.keys(this.state.piece.extra_data).length > 0
|| this.state.piece.other_data.length > 0} || this.state.piece.other_data.length > 0}
defaultExpanded={true}> defaultExpanded={true}>
<FurtherDetails <FurtherDetailsType
editable={this.state.piece.acl.acl_edit} editable={this.state.piece.acl.acl_edit}
pieceId={this.state.piece.id} pieceId={this.state.piece.id}
extraData={this.state.piece.extra_data} extraData={this.state.piece.extra_data}

View File

@ -20,9 +20,11 @@ import { getAclFormMessage, getAclFormDataId } from '../../utils/form_utils';
let AclFormFactory = React.createClass({ let AclFormFactory = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
action: React.PropTypes.oneOf(AppConstants.aclList).isRequired, action: React.PropTypes.oneOf(AppConstants.aclList).isRequired,
currentUser: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, autoFocusProperty: React.PropTypes.string,
currentUser: React.PropTypes.object,
email: React.PropTypes.string, email: React.PropTypes.string,
message: React.PropTypes.string, message: React.PropTypes.string,
labels: React.PropTypes.object,
pieceOrEditions: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ pieceOrEditions: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
React.PropTypes.object, React.PropTypes.object,
React.PropTypes.array React.PropTypes.array
@ -53,10 +55,12 @@ let AclFormFactory = React.createClass({
render() { render() {
const { const {
action, action,
pieceOrEditions, pieceOrEditions,
currentUser, currentUser,
email, email,
message, message,
handleSuccess, handleSuccess,
showNotification } = this.props; showNotification } = this.props;
@ -64,14 +68,16 @@ let AclFormFactory = React.createClass({
aclName: action, aclName: action,
entities: pieceOrEditions, entities: pieceOrEditions,
isPiece: this.isPiece(), isPiece: this.isPiece(),
senderName: currentUser.username senderName: currentUser && currentUser.username
}); });
if (action === 'acl_consign') { if (action === 'acl_consign') {
return ( return (
<ConsignForm <ConsignForm
email={email} email={email}
message={formMessage} message={formMessage}
id={this.getFormDataId()} id={this.getFormDataId()}
url={ApiUrls.ownership_consigns} url={ApiUrls.ownership_consigns}
handleSuccess={showNotification ? this.showSuccessNotification : handleSuccess} /> handleSuccess={showNotification ? this.showSuccessNotification : handleSuccess} />

View File

@ -124,8 +124,18 @@ let Form = React.createClass({
getFormData() { getFormData() {
let data = {}; let data = {};
for (let ref in this.refs) { for (let refName in this.refs) {
data[this.refs[ref].props.name] = this.refs[ref].state.value; const ref = this.refs[refName];
if (ref.state && 'value' in ref.state) {
// An input can also provide an `Object` as a value
// which we're going to merge with `data` (overwrites)
if(ref.state.value && ref.state.value.constructor === Object) {
Object.assign(data, ref.state.value);
} else {
data[ref.props.name] = ref.state.value;
} }
if (typeof this.props.getFormData === 'function') { if (typeof this.props.getFormData === 'function') {
@ -238,7 +248,15 @@ let Form = React.createClass({
renderChildren() { renderChildren() {
return ReactAddons.Children.map(this.props.children, (child, i) => { return ReactAddons.Children.map(this.props.children, (child, i) => {
if (child) { if (child) {
return ReactAddons.addons.cloneWithProps(child, { // Since refs will be overwritten by this functions return statement,
// we still want to be able to define refs for nested `Form` or `Property`
// children, which is why we're upfront simply invoking the callback-ref-
// function before overwriting it.
if(typeof child.ref === 'function' && this.refs[child.props.name]) {
return React.cloneElement(child, {
handleChange: this.handleChangeChild, handleChange: this.handleChangeChild,
ref: child.props.name, ref: child.props.name,
key: i, key: i,

View File

@ -6,31 +6,70 @@ import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button';
import Form from './form'; import Form from './form';
import Property from './property'; import Property from './property';
import InputContractAgreementCheckbox from './input_contract_agreement_checkbox';
import InputTextAreaToggable from './input_textarea_toggable'; import InputTextAreaToggable from './input_textarea_toggable';
import AscribeSpinner from '../ascribe_spinner'; import AscribeSpinner from '../ascribe_spinner';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils.js';
import AclInformation from '../ascribe_buttons/acl_information'; import AclInformation from '../ascribe_buttons/acl_information';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils.js';
let ConsignForm = React.createClass({ let ConsignForm = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
url: React.PropTypes.string, url: React.PropTypes.string,
id: React.PropTypes.object, id: React.PropTypes.object,
autoFocusProperty: React.PropTypes.string,
email: React.PropTypes.string,
message: React.PropTypes.string, message: React.PropTypes.string,
labels: React.PropTypes.object,
createPublicContractAgreement: React.PropTypes.bool,
handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func
}, },
getFormData(){ getDefaultProps() {
return {
labels: {}
getInitialState() {
return {
email: this.props.email || ''
getFormData() {
return this.props.id; return this.props.id;
}, },
handleEmailOnChange(event) {
// event.target.value is the submitted email of the consignee
email: event && event.target && event.target.value || ''
render() { render() {
const { email } = this.state;
const {
email: defaultEmail,
url } = this.props;
return ( return (
<Form <Form
ref='form' ref='form'
url={this.props.url} url={url}
getFormData={this.getFormData} getFormData={this.getFormData}
handleSuccess={this.props.handleSuccess} handleSuccess={handleSuccess}
buttons={ buttons={
<div className="modal-footer"> <div className="modal-footer">
<p className="pull-right"> <p className="pull-right">
@ -49,24 +88,39 @@ let ConsignForm = React.createClass({
</div>}> </div>}>
<AclInformation aim={'form'} verbs={['acl_consign']}/> <AclInformation aim={'form'} verbs={['acl_consign']}/>
<Property <Property
autoFocus={autoFocusProperty === 'email'}
name='consignee' name='consignee'
label={getLangText('Email')}> label={labels.email || getLangText('Email')}
<input <input
type="email" type="email"
placeholder={getLangText('Email of the consignee')} placeholder={getLangText('Email of the consignee')}
required/> required/>
</Property> </Property>
<Property <Property
autoFocus={autoFocusProperty === 'message'}
name='consign_message' name='consign_message'
label={getLangText('Personal Message')} label={labels.message || getLangText('Personal Message')}
editable={true} editable
overrideForm={true}> overrideForm>
<InputTextAreaToggable <InputTextAreaToggable
rows={1} rows={1}
defaultValue={this.props.message} defaultValue={message}
placeholder={getLangText('Enter a message...')} placeholder={getLangText('Enter a message...')}
required /> required />
</Property> </Property>
label={getLangText('Consign Contract')}
style={{paddingBottom: 0}}>
email={email} />
<Property <Property
name='password' name='password'
label={getLangText('Password')}> label={getLangText('Password')}>

View File

@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ let CreateContractForm = React.createClass({
this.refs.form.reset(); this.refs.form.reset();
}, },
submitFileName(fileName) { submitFile({ originalName }) {
this.setState({ this.setState({
contractName: fileName contractName: originalName
}); });
this.refs.form.submit(); this.refs.form.submit();
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ let CreateContractForm = React.createClass({
name="blob" name="blob"
label={getLangText('Contract file (*.pdf only, max. 50MB per contract)')}> label={getLangText('Contract file (*.pdf only, max. 50MB per contract)')}>
<InputFineUploader <InputFineUploader
submitFileName={this.submitFileName} submitFile={this.submitFile}
keyRoutine={{ keyRoutine={{
url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/', url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/',
fileClass: 'contract' fileClass: 'contract'
@ -91,14 +91,14 @@ let CreateContractForm = React.createClass({
<Property <Property
name='name' name='name'
label={getLangText('Contract name')} label={getLangText('Contract name')}
hidden={true}> expanded={false}>
<input <input
type="text" type="text"
value={this.state.contractName}/> value={this.state.contractName}/>
</Property> </Property>
<Property <Property
name="is_public" name="is_public"
hidden={true}> expanded={false}>
<input <input
type="checkbox" type="checkbox"
value={this.props.isPublic} /> value={this.props.isPublic} />

View File

@ -1,33 +1,34 @@
'use strict'; 'use strict';
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import classnames from 'classnames'; import classnames from 'classnames';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button'; import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button';
import ContractAgreementListStore from '../../stores/contract_agreement_list_store';
import Form from './form'; import Form from './form';
import Property from './property'; import Property from './property';
import InputTextAreaToggable from './input_textarea_toggable';
import InputDate from './input_date';
import InputCheckbox from './input_checkbox';
import ContractAgreementListStore from '../../stores/contract_agreement_list_store'; import InputDate from './input_date';
import ContractAgreementListActions from '../../actions/contract_agreement_list_actions'; import InputTextAreaToggable from './input_textarea_toggable';
import InputContractAgreementCheckbox from './input_contract_agreement_checkbox';
import AscribeSpinner from '../ascribe_spinner'; import AscribeSpinner from '../ascribe_spinner';
import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
import AclInformation from '../ascribe_buttons/acl_information'; import AclInformation from '../ascribe_buttons/acl_information';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils';
let LoanForm = React.createClass({ let LoanForm = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
loanHeading: React.PropTypes.string, loanHeading: React.PropTypes.string,
email: React.PropTypes.string, email: React.PropTypes.string,
gallery: React.PropTypes.string, gallery: React.PropTypes.string,
startdate: React.PropTypes.object, startDate: React.PropTypes.object,
enddate: React.PropTypes.object, endDate: React.PropTypes.object,
showPersonalMessage: React.PropTypes.bool, showPersonalMessage: React.PropTypes.bool,
showEndDate: React.PropTypes.bool, showEndDate: React.PropTypes.bool,
showStartDate: React.PropTypes.bool, showStartDate: React.PropTypes.bool,
@ -36,7 +37,11 @@ let LoanForm = React.createClass({
id: React.PropTypes.object, id: React.PropTypes.object,
message: React.PropTypes.string, message: React.PropTypes.string,
createPublicContractAgreement: React.PropTypes.bool, createPublicContractAgreement: React.PropTypes.bool,
handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func,
children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
}, },
getDefaultProps() { getDefaultProps() {
@ -45,148 +50,33 @@ let LoanForm = React.createClass({
showPersonalMessage: true, showPersonalMessage: true,
showEndDate: true, showEndDate: true,
showStartDate: true, showStartDate: true,
showPassword: true, showPassword: true
createPublicContractAgreement: true
}; };
}, },
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
return ContractAgreementListStore.getState(); return {
}, email: this.props.email || ''
componentDidMount() {
* This method needs to be in form_loan as some whitelabel pages (Cyland) load
* the loanee's email async!
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if(nextProps && nextProps.email && this.props.email !== nextProps.email) {
componentWillUnmount() {
}, },
onChange(state) { onChange(state) {
this.setState(state); this.setState(state);
}, },
getContractAgreementsOrCreatePublic(email){ handleEmailOnChange(event) {
if (email) {
// fetch the available contractagreements (pending/accepted)
ContractAgreementListActions.fetchAvailableContractAgreementList(email, true);
return mergeOptions(
handleOnChange(event) {
// event.target.value is the submitted email of the loanee // event.target.value is the submitted email of the loanee
if(event && event.target && event.target.value && event.target.value.match(/.*@.*\..*/)) { this.setState({
this.getContractAgreementsOrCreatePublic(event.target.value); email: event && event.target && event.target.value || ''
} else { });
}, },
getContractAgreementId() { handleReset() {
if (this.state.contractAgreementList && this.state.contractAgreementList.length > 0) { this.handleEmailOnChange();
return {'contract_agreement_id': this.state.contractAgreementList[0].id};
return {};
}, },
getContractCheckbox() { getFormData() {
if(this.state.contractAgreementList && this.state.contractAgreementList.length > 0) { return this.props.id;
// we need to define a key on the InputCheckboxes as otherwise
// react is not rerendering them on a store switch and is keeping
// the default value of the component (which is in that case true)
let contractAgreement = this.state.contractAgreementList[0];
let contract = contractAgreement.contract;
if(contractAgreement.datetime_accepted) {
return (
label={getLangText('Loan Contract')}
<a href={contract.blob.url_safe} target="_blank">
<span className="glyphicon glyphicon-download" aria-hidden="true"></span> {getLangText('Download contract')}
{/* We still need to send the server information that we're accepting */}
style={{'display': 'none'}}
defaultChecked={true} />
} else {
return (
style={{paddingBottom: 0}}>
{getLangText('I agree to the')}&nbsp;
<a href={contract.blob.url_safe} target="_blank">
{getLangText('terms of ')} {contract.issuer}
} else {
return (
style={{paddingBottom: 0}}
defaultChecked={true} />
getAppendix() {
if(this.state.contractAgreementList && this.state.contractAgreementList.length > 0) {
let appendix = this.state.contractAgreementList[0].appendix;
if (appendix && appendix.default) {
return (
<pre className="ascribe-pre">{appendix.default}</pre>
return null;
}, },
getButtons() { getButtons() {
@ -214,14 +104,31 @@ let LoanForm = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
const { email } = this.state;
const {
email: defaultEmail,
url } = this.props;
return ( return (
<Form <Form
className={classnames({'ascribe-form-bordered': this.props.loanHeading})} className={classnames({'ascribe-form-bordered': loanHeading})}
ref='form' ref='form'
url={this.props.url} url={url}
getFormData={this.getFormData} getFormData={this.getFormData}
onReset={this.handleOnChange} onReset={this.handleReset}
handleSuccess={this.props.handleSuccess} handleSuccess={handleSuccess}
buttons={this.getButtons()} buttons={this.getButtons()}
spinner={ spinner={
<div className="modal-footer"> <div className="modal-footer">
@ -229,18 +136,18 @@ let LoanForm = React.createClass({
<AscribeSpinner color='dark-blue' size='md'/> <AscribeSpinner color='dark-blue' size='md'/>
</p> </p>
</div>}> </div>}>
<div className={classnames({'ascribe-form-header': true, 'hidden': !this.props.loanHeading})}> <div className={classnames({'ascribe-form-header': true, 'hidden': !loanHeading})}>
<h3>{this.props.loanHeading}</h3> <h3>{loanHeading}</h3>
</div> </div>
<AclInformation aim={'form'} verbs={['acl_loan']}/> <AclInformation aim={'form'} verbs={['acl_loan']}/>
<Property <Property
name='loanee' name='loanee'
label={getLangText('Loanee Email')} label={getLangText('Loanee Email')}
editable={!this.props.email} editable={!defaultEmail}
onChange={this.handleOnChange} onChange={this.handleEmailOnChange}
overrideForm={!!this.props.email}> overrideForm={!!defaultEmail}>
<input <input
value={this.props.email} value={email}
type="email" type="email"
placeholder={getLangText('Email of the loanee')} placeholder={getLangText('Email of the loanee')}
required/> required/>
@ -248,31 +155,31 @@ let LoanForm = React.createClass({
<Property <Property
name='gallery' name='gallery'
label={getLangText('Gallery/exhibition (optional)')} label={getLangText('Gallery/exhibition (optional)')}
editable={!this.props.gallery} editable={!gallery}
overrideForm={!!this.props.gallery}> overrideForm={!!gallery}>
<input <input
value={this.props.gallery} value={gallery}
type="text" type="text"
placeholder={getLangText('Gallery/exhibition (optional)')}/> placeholder={getLangText('Gallery/exhibition (optional)')}/>
</Property> </Property>
<Property <Property
name='startdate' name='startdate'
label={getLangText('Start date')} label={getLangText('Start date')}
editable={!this.props.startdate} editable={!startDate}
overrideForm={!!this.props.startdate} overrideForm={!!startDate}
hidden={!this.props.showStartDate}> expanded={showStartDate}>
<InputDate <InputDate
defaultValue={this.props.startdate} defaultValue={startDate}
placeholderText={getLangText('Loan start date')} /> placeholderText={getLangText('Loan start date')} />
</Property> </Property>
<Property <Property
name='enddate' name='enddate'
editable={!this.props.enddate} editable={!endDate}
overrideForm={!!this.props.enddate} overrideForm={!!endDate}
label={getLangText('End date')} label={getLangText('End date')}
hidden={!this.props.showEndDate}> expanded={showEndDate}>
<InputDate <InputDate
defaultValue={this.props.enddate} defaultValue={endDate}
placeholderText={getLangText('Loan end date')} /> placeholderText={getLangText('Loan end date')} />
</Property> </Property>
<Property <Property
@ -280,25 +187,32 @@ let LoanForm = React.createClass({
label={getLangText('Personal Message')} label={getLangText('Personal Message')}
editable={true} editable={true}
overrideForm={true} overrideForm={true}
hidden={!this.props.showPersonalMessage}> expanded={showPersonalMessage}>
<InputTextAreaToggable <InputTextAreaToggable
rows={1} rows={1}
defaultValue={this.props.message} defaultValue={message}
placeholder={getLangText('Enter a message...')} placeholder={getLangText('Enter a message...')}
required={this.props.showPersonalMessage}/> required={showPersonalMessage}/>
label={getLangText('Loan Contract')}
style={{paddingBottom: 0}}>
email={email} />
</Property> </Property>
<Property <Property
name='password' name='password'
label={getLangText('Password')} label={getLangText('Password')}
hidden={!this.props.showPassword}> expanded={showPassword}>
<input <input
type="password" type="password"
placeholder={getLangText('Enter your password')} placeholder={getLangText('Enter your password')}
required={this.props.showPassword ? 'required' : ''}/> required={showPassword}/>
</Property> </Property>
{this.props.children} {children}
</Form> </Form>
); );
} }

View File

@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ let LoanRequestAnswerForm = React.createClass({
url={this.props.url} url={this.props.url}
email={this.state.loanRequest ? this.state.loanRequest.new_owner : null} email={this.state.loanRequest ? this.state.loanRequest.new_owner : null}
gallery={this.state.loanRequest ? this.state.loanRequest.gallery : null} gallery={this.state.loanRequest ? this.state.loanRequest.gallery : null}
startdate={startDate} startDate={startDate}
enddate={endDate} endDate={endDate}
showPassword={true} showPassword={true}
showPersonalMessage={false} showPersonalMessage={false}
handleSuccess={this.props.handleSuccess}/> handleSuccess={this.props.handleSuccess}/>

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import UserActions from '../../actions/user_actions';
import Form from './form'; import Form from './form';
import Property from './property'; import Property from './property';
import InputFineUploader from './input_fineuploader'; import InputFineUploader from './input_fineuploader';
import UploadButton from '../ascribe_uploader/ascribe_upload_button/upload_button';
import FormSubmitButton from '../ascribe_buttons/form_submit_button';
import ApiUrls from '../../constants/api_urls'; import ApiUrls from '../../constants/api_urls';
import AppConstants from '../../constants/application_constants'; import AppConstants from '../../constants/application_constants';
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ let RegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
isFineUploaderActive: React.PropTypes.bool, isFineUploaderActive: React.PropTypes.bool,
isFineUploaderEditable: React.PropTypes.bool, isFineUploaderEditable: React.PropTypes.bool,
enableLocalHashing: React.PropTypes.bool, enableLocalHashing: React.PropTypes.bool,
onLoggedOut: React.PropTypes.func, enableSeparateThumbnail: React.PropTypes.bool,
// For this form to work with SlideContainer, we sometimes have to disable it // For this form to work with SlideContainer, we sometimes have to disable it
disabled: React.PropTypes.bool, disabled: React.PropTypes.bool,
@ -41,14 +43,15 @@ let RegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
return { return {
headerMessage: getLangText('Register your work'), headerMessage: getLangText('Register your work'),
submitMessage: getLangText('Register work'), submitMessage: getLangText('Register work'),
enableLocalHashing: true enableLocalHashing: true,
enableSeparateThumbnail: true
}; };
}, },
getInitialState(){ getInitialState(){
return mergeOptions( return mergeOptions(
{ {
isUploadReady: false digitalWorkFile: null
}, },
UserStore.getState() UserStore.getState()
); );
@ -67,31 +70,89 @@ let RegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
this.setState(state); this.setState(state);
}, },
setIsUploadReady(isReady) { /**
this.setState({ * This method is overloaded so that we can track the ready-state
isUploadReady: isReady * of each uploader in the component
}); * @param {string} uploaderKey Name of the uploader's key to track
setIsUploadReady(uploaderKey) {
return (isUploadReady) => {
// See documentation of `FormSubmitButton` for more detailed information
// on this.
this.refs.submitButton.setReadyStateForKey(uploaderKey, isUploadReady);
handleChangedDigitalWork(digitalWorkFile) {
if (digitalWorkFile &&
(digitalWorkFile.status === 'deleted' || digitalWorkFile.status === 'canceled')) {
// Manually we need to set the ready state for `thumbnailKeyReady` back
// to `true` as `ReactS3Fineuploader`'s `reset` method triggers
// `setIsUploadReady` with `false`
this.refs.submitButton.setReadyStateForKey('thumbnailKeyReady', true);
this.setState({ digitalWorkFile: null });
} else {
this.setState({ digitalWorkFile });
handleChangedThumbnail(thumbnailFile) {
const { digitalWorkFile } = this.state;
const { fineuploader } = this.refs.digitalWorkFineUploader.refs;
// if thumbnail was delete, we delete it from the display as well
thumbnailFile.status !== 'deleted' ? thumbnailFile.url : null
isThumbnailDialogExpanded() {
const { enableSeparateThumbnail } = this.props;
const { digitalWorkFile } = this.state;
if(digitalWorkFile && enableSeparateThumbnail) {
const { type: mimeType } = digitalWorkFile;
const mimeSubType = mimeType && mimeType.split('/').length ? mimeType.split('/')[1]
: 'unknown';
return AppConstants.supportedThumbnailFileFormats.indexOf(mimeSubType) === -1;
} else {
return false;
}, },
render() { render() {
let currentUser = this.state.currentUser; const { disabled,
let enableLocalHashing = currentUser && currentUser.profile ? currentUser.profile.hash_locally : false; handleSuccess,
enableLocalHashing = enableLocalHashing && this.props.enableLocalHashing; submitMessage,
enableLocalHashing } = this.props;
const { currentUser} = this.state;
const profileHashLocally = currentUser && currentUser.profile ? currentUser.profile.hash_locally : false;
const hashLocally = profileHashLocally && enableLocalHashing;
return ( return (
<Form <Form
disabled={this.props.disabled} disabled={disabled}
className="ascribe-form-bordered" className="ascribe-form-bordered"
ref='form' ref='form'
url={ApiUrls.pieces_list} url={ApiUrls.pieces_list}
handleSuccess={this.props.handleSuccess} handleSuccess={handleSuccess}
buttons={ buttons={
<button <FormSubmitButton
type="submit" ref="submitButton"
className="btn btn-default btn-wide" defaultReadyStates={{
disabled={!this.state.isUploadReady || this.props.disabled}> digitalWorkKeyReady: false,
{this.props.submitMessage} thumbnailKeyReady: true
</button> }}
} }
spinner={ spinner={
<span className="btn btn-default btn-wide btn-spinner"> <span className="btn btn-default btn-wide btn-spinner">
@ -99,12 +160,14 @@ let RegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
</span> </span>
}> }>
<div className="ascribe-form-header"> <div className="ascribe-form-header">
<h3>{this.props.headerMessage}</h3> <h3>{headerMessage}</h3>
</div> </div>
<Property <Property
name="digital_work_key" name="digital_work_key"
ignoreFocus={true}> ignoreFocus={true}
label={getLangText('Your Work')}>
<InputFineUploader <InputFineUploader
ref={ref => this.refs.digitalWorkFineUploader = ref}
keyRoutine={{ keyRoutine={{
url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/', url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/',
fileClass: 'digitalwork' fileClass: 'digitalwork'
@ -113,13 +176,43 @@ let RegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
url: ApiUrls.blob_digitalworks url: ApiUrls.blob_digitalworks
}} }}
validation={AppConstants.fineUploader.validation.registerWork} validation={AppConstants.fineUploader.validation.registerWork}
setIsUploadReady={this.setIsUploadReady} setIsUploadReady={this.setIsUploadReady('digitalWorkKeyReady')}
isReadyForFormSubmission={formSubmissionValidation.atLeastOneUploadedFile} isReadyForFormSubmission={formSubmissionValidation.atLeastOneUploadedFile}
isFineUploaderActive={this.props.isFineUploaderActive} isFineUploaderActive={isFineUploaderActive}
onLoggedOut={this.props.onLoggedOut} disabled={!isFineUploaderEditable}
disabled={!this.props.isFineUploaderEditable} enableLocalHashing={hashLocally}
ref={ref => this.refs.thumbnailFineUploader = ref}
fileInputElement={UploadButton({ className: 'btn btn-secondary btn-sm' })}
url: ApiUrls.blob_thumbnails
url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/',
fileClass: 'thumbnail'
itemLimit: AppConstants.fineUploader.validation.registerWork.itemLimit,
sizeLimit: AppConstants.fineUploader.validation.additionalData.sizeLimit,
allowedExtensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif']
singular: getLangText('Select representative image'),
plural: getLangText('Select representative images')
enableLocalHashing={enableLocalHashing} enableLocalHashing={enableLocalHashing}
uploadMethod={this.props.location.query.method} /> uploadMethod={location.query.method} />
</Property> </Property>
<Property <Property
name='artist_name' name='artist_name'
@ -146,7 +239,7 @@ let RegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
min={1} min={1}
required/> required/>
</Property> </Property>
{this.props.children} {children}
</Form> </Form>
); );
} }

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import GlobalNotificationActions from '../../actions/global_notification_actions
import Form from './form'; import Form from './form';
import Property from './property'; import Property from './property';
import PropertyCollapsible from './property_collapsible';
import InputTextAreaToggable from './input_textarea_toggable'; import InputTextAreaToggable from './input_textarea_toggable';
import ApiUrls from '../../constants/api_urls'; import ApiUrls from '../../constants/api_urls';
@ -21,7 +20,7 @@ import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils'; import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils';
let ContractAgreementForm = React.createClass({ let SendContractAgreementForm = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func
}, },
@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ let ContractAgreementForm = React.createClass({
}, },
handleSubmitSuccess() { handleSubmitSuccess() {
let notification = 'Contract agreement send'; let notification = 'Contract agreement sent';
notification = new GlobalNotificationModel(notification, 'success', 10000); notification = new GlobalNotificationModel(notification, 'success', 10000);
GlobalNotificationActions.appendGlobalNotification(notification); GlobalNotificationActions.appendGlobalNotification(notification);
@ -122,9 +121,10 @@ let ContractAgreementForm = React.createClass({
required/> required/>
</Property> </Property>
{this.getContracts()} {this.getContracts()}
<PropertyCollapsible <Property
name='appendix' name='appendix'
checkboxLabel={getLangText('Add appendix to the contract')}> checkboxLabel={getLangText('Add appendix to the contract')}
<span>{getLangText('Appendix')}</span> <span>{getLangText('Appendix')}</span>
{/* We're using disabled on a form here as PropertyCollapsible currently {/* We're using disabled on a form here as PropertyCollapsible currently
does not support the disabled + overrideForm functionality */} does not support the disabled + overrideForm functionality */}
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let ContractAgreementForm = React.createClass({
rows={1} rows={1}
disabled={false} disabled={false}
placeholder={getLangText('This will be appended to the contract selected above')}/> placeholder={getLangText('This will be appended to the contract selected above')}/>
</PropertyCollapsible> </Property>
</Form> </Form>
); );
} }
@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ let ContractAgreementForm = React.createClass({
} }
}); });
export default ContractAgreementForm; export default SendContractAgreementForm;

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let UnConsignRequestForm = React.createClass({
rows={1} rows={1}
defaultValue={this.props.message} defaultValue={this.props.message}
placeholder={getLangText('Enter a message...')} placeholder={getLangText('Enter a message...')}
required="required"/> required />
</Property> </Property>
<hr /> <hr />
</Form> </Form>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
'use strict';
import React from 'react/addons';
import InputCheckbox from './input_checkbox';
import ContractAgreementListStore from '../../stores/contract_agreement_list_store';
import ContractAgreementListActions from '../../actions/contract_agreement_list_actions';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils';
import { isEmail } from '../../utils/regex_utils';
const InputContractAgreementCheckbox = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
createPublicContractAgreement: React.PropTypes.bool,
email: React.PropTypes.string,
required: React.PropTypes.bool,
// provided by Property
disabled: React.PropTypes.bool,
onChange: React.PropTypes.func,
name: React.PropTypes.string,
setExpanded: React.PropTypes.func,
// can be used to style the component from the outside
style: React.PropTypes.object
getDefaultProps() {
return {
createPublicContractAgreement: true
getInitialState() {
return mergeOptions(
value: {
terms: null,
contract_agreement_id: null
componentDidMount() {
componentWillReceiveProps({ email: nextEmail }) {
if (this.props.email !== nextEmail) {
if (isEmail(nextEmail)) {
} else if (this.getContractAgreement()) {
componentWillUnmount() {
onStoreChange(state) {
const contractAgreement = this.getContractAgreement(state.contractAgreementList);
// If there is no contract available, hide this `Property` from the user
state = mergeOptions(state, {
value: {
// If `email` is defined in this component, `getContractAgreementsOrCreatePublic`
// is either:
// - fetching a already existing contract agreement; or
// - trying to create a contract agreement
// If both attempts result in `contractAgreement` being not defined,
// it means that the receiver hasn't defined a contract, which means
// a contract agreement cannot be created, which means we don't have to
// specify `contract_agreement_id` when sending a request to the server.
contract_agreement_id: contractAgreement ? contractAgreement.id : null,
// If the receiver hasn't set a contract or the contract was
// previously accepted, we set the terms to `true`
// as we always need to at least give a boolean value for `terms`
// to the API endpoint
terms: !contractAgreement || !!contractAgreement.datetime_accepted
onChange(event) {
// Sync the value between our `InputCheckbox` and this component's `terms`
// so the parent `Property` is able to get the correct value of this component
// when the `Form` queries it.
value: React.addons.update(this.state.value, {
terms: { $set: event.target.value }
// Propagate change events from the checkbox up to the parent `Property`
getContractAgreement(contractAgreementList = this.state.contractAgreementList) {
if (contractAgreementList && contractAgreementList.length) {
return contractAgreementList[0];
getContractAgreementsOrCreatePublic(email) {
if (email) {
// fetch the available contractagreements (pending/accepted)
ContractAgreementListActions.fetchAvailableContractAgreementList(email, this.props.createPublicContractAgreement);
getAppendix() {
const contractAgreement = this.getContractAgreement();
if (contractAgreement &&
contractAgreement.appendix &&
contractAgreement.appendix.default) {
return (
<div className="ascribe-property contract-appendix-form">
<pre className="ascribe-pre">{contractAgreement.appendix.default}</pre>
getContractCheckbox() {
const contractAgreement = this.getContractAgreement();
if(contractAgreement) {
const {
datetime_accepted: datetimeAccepted,
contract: {
issuer: contractIssuer,
blob: { url_safe: contractUrl }
} = contractAgreement;
if(datetimeAccepted) {
return (
style={{paddingBottom: '1em'}}>
<a href={contractUrl} target="_blank">
<span className="glyphicon glyphicon-download" aria-hidden="true" /> {getLangText('Download contract')}
} else {
const {
style } = this.props;
return (
{getLangText('I agree to the')}&nbsp;
<a href={contractUrl} target="_blank">
{getLangText('terms of ')} {contractIssuer}
render() {
return (
export default InputContractAgreementCheckbox;

View File

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import AppConstants from '../../constants/application_constants';
import { getCookie } from '../../utils/fetch_api_utils'; import { getCookie } from '../../utils/fetch_api_utils';
const { func, bool, object, shape, string, number, arrayOf } = React.PropTypes; const { func, bool, shape, string, number, arrayOf } = React.PropTypes;
const InputFineUploader = React.createClass({ const InputFineUploader = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
setIsUploadReady: func, setIsUploadReady: func,
isReadyForFormSubmission: func, isReadyForFormSubmission: func,
submitFileName: func, submitFile: func,
fileInputElement: func, fileInputElement: func,
areAssetsDownloadable: bool, areAssetsDownloadable: bool,
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ const InputFineUploader = React.createClass({
// a user is actually not logged in already to prevent him from droping files // a user is actually not logged in already to prevent him from droping files
// before login in // before login in
isFineUploaderActive: bool, isFineUploaderActive: bool,
onLoggedOut: func,
enableLocalHashing: bool, enableLocalHashing: bool,
uploadMethod: string, uploadMethod: string,
@ -51,7 +50,11 @@ const InputFineUploader = React.createClass({
fileClassToUpload: shape({ fileClassToUpload: shape({
singular: string, singular: string,
plural: string plural: string
}) }),
handleChangedFile: func,
// Provided by `Property`
onChange: React.PropTypes.func
}, },
getDefaultProps() { getDefaultProps() {
@ -77,8 +80,8 @@ const InputFineUploader = React.createClass({
this.props.onChange({ target: { value: this.state.value } }); this.props.onChange({ target: { value: this.state.value } });
} }
if(typeof this.props.submitFileName === 'function') { if(typeof this.props.submitFile === 'function') {
this.props.submitFileName(file.originalName); this.props.submitFile(file);
} }
}, },
@ -94,23 +97,26 @@ const InputFineUploader = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
const { fileInputElement, const {
keyRoutine, areAssetsDownloadable,
createBlobRoutine, enableLocalHashing,
validation, createBlobRoutine,
setIsUploadReady, disabled,
isReadyForFormSubmission, fileClassToUpload,
areAssetsDownloadable, fileInputElement,
onLoggedOut, isFineUploaderActive,
enableLocalHashing, isReadyForFormSubmission,
fileClassToUpload, keyRoutine,
location } = this.props; setIsUploadReady,
let editable = this.props.isFineUploaderActive; uploadMethod,
handleChangedFile } = this.props;
let editable = isFineUploaderActive;
// if disabled is actually set by property, we want to override // if disabled is actually set by property, we want to override
// isFineUploaderActive // isFineUploaderActive
if(typeof this.props.disabled !== 'undefined') { if(typeof disabled !== 'undefined') {
editable = !this.props.disabled; editable = !disabled;
} }
return ( return (
@ -139,10 +145,10 @@ const InputFineUploader = React.createClass({
'X-CSRFToken': getCookie(AppConstants.csrftoken) 'X-CSRFToken': getCookie(AppConstants.csrftoken)
} }
}} }}
onInactive={this.props.onLoggedOut} enableLocalHashing={enableLocalHashing}
enableLocalHashing={this.props.enableLocalHashing} uploadMethod={uploadMethod}
uploadMethod={this.props.uploadMethod} fileClassToUpload={fileClassToUpload}
fileClassToUpload={this.props.fileClassToUpload} /> handleChangedFile={handleChangedFile}/>
); );
} }
}); });

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import TextareaAutosize from 'react-textarea-autosize';
let InputTextAreaToggable = React.createClass({ let InputTextAreaToggable = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
autoFocus: React.PropTypes.bool,
disabled: React.PropTypes.bool, disabled: React.PropTypes.bool,
rows: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired, rows: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
required: React.PropTypes.bool, required: React.PropTypes.bool,
@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ let InputTextAreaToggable = React.createClass({
}, },
componentDidMount() { componentDidMount() {
if (this.props.autoFocus) {
this.setState({ this.setState({
value: this.props.defaultValue value: this.props.defaultValue
}); });
@ -51,6 +56,7 @@ let InputTextAreaToggable = React.createClass({
className = className + ' ascribe-textarea-editable'; className = className + ' ascribe-textarea-editable';
textarea = ( textarea = (
<TextareaAutosize <TextareaAutosize
className={className} className={className}
value={this.state.value} value={this.state.value}
rows={this.props.rows} rows={this.props.rows}

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ let ListRequestActions = React.createClass({
React.PropTypes.object, React.PropTypes.object,
React.PropTypes.array React.PropTypes.array
]).isRequired, ]).isRequired,
currentUser: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired, currentUser: React.PropTypes.object,
handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, handleSuccess: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
notifications: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired notifications: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired
}, },

View File

@ -3,58 +3,69 @@
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import ReactAddons from 'react/addons'; import ReactAddons from 'react/addons';
import OverlayTrigger from 'react-bootstrap/lib/OverlayTrigger'; import Panel from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Panel';
import Tooltip from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Tooltip';
import AppConstants from '../../constants/application_constants'; import AppConstants from '../../constants/application_constants';
import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils'; import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils';
let Property = React.createClass({ const { bool, element, string, oneOfType, func, object, arrayOf } = React.PropTypes;
propTypes: {
hidden: React.PropTypes.bool,
editable: React.PropTypes.bool, const Property = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
editable: bool,
// If we want Form to have a different value for disabled as Property has one for // If we want Form to have a different value for disabled as Property has one for
// editable, we need to set overrideForm to true, as it will then override Form's // editable, we need to set overrideForm to true, as it will then override Form's
// disabled value for individual Properties // disabled value for individual Properties
overrideForm: React.PropTypes.bool, overrideForm: bool,
tooltip: React.PropTypes.element, label: string,
label: React.PropTypes.string, value: oneOfType([
value: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ string,
React.PropTypes.string, element
]), ]),
footer: React.PropTypes.element, footer: element,
handleChange: React.PropTypes.func, handleChange: func,
ignoreFocus: React.PropTypes.bool, ignoreFocus: bool,
name: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired, name: string.isRequired,
className: React.PropTypes.string, className: string,
onClick: React.PropTypes.func, onClick: func,
onChange: React.PropTypes.func, onChange: func,
onBlur: React.PropTypes.func, onBlur: func,
children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ children: oneOfType([
React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.element), arrayOf(element),
React.PropTypes.element element
]), ]),
style: React.PropTypes.object style: object,
expanded: bool,
checkboxLabel: string,
autoFocus: bool
}, },
getDefaultProps() { getDefaultProps() {
return { return {
editable: true, editable: true,
hidden: false, expanded: true,
className: '' className: ''
}; };
}, },
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
const { expanded, ignoreFocus, checkboxLabel } = this.props;
return { return {
// We're mirroring expanded here as a state
// React's docs do NOT consider this an antipattern as long as it's
// not a "source of truth"-duplication
// When a checkboxLabel is defined in the props, we want to set
// `ignoreFocus` to true
ignoreFocus: ignoreFocus || checkboxLabel,
// Please don't confuse initialValue with react's defaultValue. // Please don't confuse initialValue with react's defaultValue.
// initialValue is set by us to ensure that a user can reset a specific // initialValue is set by us to ensure that a user can reset a specific
// property (after editing) to its initial value // property (after editing) to its initial value
@ -65,9 +76,27 @@ let Property = React.createClass({
}; };
}, },
componentWillReceiveProps() { componentDidMount() {
if(this.props.autoFocus) {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
let childInput = this.refs.input; let childInput = this.refs.input;
// For expanded there are actually three use cases:
// 1. Control its value from the outside completely (do not define `checkboxLabel`)
// 2. Let it be controlled from the inside (default value can be set though via `expanded`)
// 3. Let it be controlled from a child by using `setExpanded` (`expanded` must not be
// set from the outside as a prop then(!!!))
// This handles case 1. and 3.
if(nextProps.expanded !== this.props.expanded && nextProps.expanded !== this.state.expanded && !this.props.checkboxLabel) {
this.setState({ expanded: nextProps.expanded });
// In order to set this.state.value from another component // In order to set this.state.value from another component
// the state of value should only be set if its not undefined and // the state of value should only be set if its not undefined and
// actually references something // actually references something
@ -80,13 +109,13 @@ let Property = React.createClass({
// from native HTML elements. // from native HTML elements.
// To enable developers to create input elements, they can expose a property called value // To enable developers to create input elements, they can expose a property called value
// in their state that will be picked up by property.js // in their state that will be picked up by property.js
} else if(childInput.state && typeof childInput.state.value !== 'undefined') { } else if(childInput && childInput.state && typeof childInput.state.value !== 'undefined') {
this.setState({ this.setState({
value: childInput.state.value value: childInput.state.value
}); });
} }
if(!this.state.initialValue && childInput.props.defaultValue) { if(!this.state.initialValue && childInput && childInput.props.defaultValue) {
this.setState({ this.setState({
initialValue: childInput.props.defaultValue initialValue: childInput.props.defaultValue
}); });
@ -138,7 +167,7 @@ let Property = React.createClass({
handleFocus() { handleFocus() {
// if ignoreFocus (bool) is defined, then just ignore focusing on // if ignoreFocus (bool) is defined, then just ignore focusing on
// the property and input // the property and input
if(this.props.ignoreFocus) { if(this.state.ignoreFocus) {
return; return;
} }
@ -190,7 +219,7 @@ let Property = React.createClass({
}, },
getClassName() { getClassName() {
if(this.props.hidden){ if(!this.state.expanded && !this.props.checkboxLabel){
return 'is-hidden'; return 'is-hidden';
} }
if(!this.props.editable){ if(!this.props.editable){
@ -206,61 +235,102 @@ let Property = React.createClass({
} }
}, },
setExpanded(expanded) {
this.setState({ expanded });
handleCheckboxToggle() {
renderChildren(style) { renderChildren(style) {
return ReactAddons.Children.map(this.props.children, (child) => { // Input's props should only be cloned and propagated down the tree,
return ReactAddons.addons.cloneWithProps(child, { // if the component is actually being shown (!== 'expanded === false')
style, if((this.state.expanded && this.props.checkboxLabel) || !this.props.checkboxLabel) {
onChange: this.handleChange, return ReactAddons.Children.map(this.props.children, (child) => {
onFocus: this.handleFocus, // Since refs will be overriden by this functions return statement,
onBlur: this.handleBlur, // we still want to be able to define refs for nested `Form` or `Property`
disabled: !this.props.editable, // children, which is why we're upfront simply invoking the callback-ref-
ref: 'input', // function before overriding it.
name: this.props.name if(typeof child.ref === 'function' && this.refs.input) {
return React.cloneElement(child, {
onChange: this.handleChange,
onFocus: this.handleFocus,
onBlur: this.handleBlur,
disabled: !this.props.editable,
ref: 'input',
name: this.props.name,
setExpanded: this.setExpanded
}); });
}); }
getLabelAndErrors() {
if(this.props.label || this.state.errors) {
return (
<span className="pull-left">{this.props.label}</span>
<span className="pull-right">{this.state.errors}</span>
} else {
return null;
getCheckbox() {
const { checkboxLabel } = this.props;
if(checkboxLabel) {
return (
<span className="checkbox">{' ' + checkboxLabel}</span>
} else {
return null;
}, },
render() { render() {
let footer = null; let footer = null;
let tooltip = <span/>;
let style = this.props.style ? mergeOptions({}, this.props.style) : {};
tooltip = (
if(this.props.footer){ if(this.props.footer){
footer = ( footer = (
<div className="ascribe-property-footer"> <div className="ascribe-property-footer">
{this.props.footer} {this.props.footer}
</div>); </div>
} );
if(!this.props.editable) {
style.cursor = 'not-allowed';
} }
return ( return (
<div <div
className={'ascribe-property-wrapper ' + this.getClassName()} className={'ascribe-property-wrapper ' + this.getClassName()}
onClick={this.handleFocus} onClick={this.handleFocus}
style={style}> style={this.props.style}>
<OverlayTrigger {this.getCheckbox()}
delay={500} <Panel
placement="top" collapsible
overlay={tooltip}> expanded={this.state.expanded}
<div className={'ascribe-property ' + this.props.className}> <div className={'ascribe-property ' + this.props.className}>
<p> {this.getLabelAndErrors()}
<span className="pull-left">{this.props.label}</span> {this.renderChildren(this.props.style)}
<span className="pull-right">{this.state.errors}</span>
{footer} {footer}
</div> </div>
</OverlayTrigger> </Panel>
</div> </div>
); );
} }

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import ReactAddons from 'react/addons';
import OverlayTrigger from 'react-bootstrap/lib/OverlayTrigger';
import Tooltip from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Tooltip';
import Panel from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Panel';
let PropertyCollapsile = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
children: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.element),
checkboxLabel: React.PropTypes.string,
tooltip: React.PropTypes.string
getInitialState() {
return {
show: false
handleFocus() {
this.refs.checkboxCollapsible.getDOMNode().checked = !this.refs.checkboxCollapsible.getDOMNode().checked;
show: this.refs.checkboxCollapsible.getDOMNode().checked
handleChange(event) {
this.setState({value: event.target.value});
renderChildren() {
if(this.state.show) {
return ReactAddons.Children.map(this.props.children, (child) => {
return ReactAddons.addons.cloneWithProps(child, {
onChange: this.handleChange
reset() {
// If the child input is a native HTML element, it will be reset automatically
// by the DOM.
// However, we need to collapse this component again.
render() {
let tooltip = <span/>;
if (this.props.tooltip){
tooltip = (
let style = this.state.show ? {} : {paddingBottom: 0};
return (
{/* PLEASE LEAVE THE SPACE BETWEEN LABEL and this.props.label */}
<span className="checkbox"> {this.props.checkboxLabel}</span>
<div className="ascribe-property">
export default PropertyCollapsile;

View File

@ -4,77 +4,24 @@ import React from 'react';
import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils'; import { mergeOptions } from '../../utils/general_utils';
import EditionListStore from '../../stores/edition_list_store';
import EditionListActions from '../../actions/edition_list_actions'; import EditionListActions from '../../actions/edition_list_actions';
import UserStore from '../../stores/user_store';
import UserActions from '../../actions/user_actions';
import PieceListStore from '../../stores/piece_list_store';
import PieceListActions from '../../actions/piece_list_actions';
import PieceListBulkModalSelectedEditionsWidget from './piece_list_bulk_modal_selected_editions_widget'; import PieceListBulkModalSelectedEditionsWidget from './piece_list_bulk_modal_selected_editions_widget';
import AclButtonList from '../ascribe_buttons/acl_button_list';
import DeleteButton from '../ascribe_buttons/delete_button';
import { getAvailableAcls } from '../../utils/acl_utils';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils.js'; import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils.js';
let PieceListBulkModal = React.createClass({ let PieceListBulkModal = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
className: React.PropTypes.string availableAcls: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
}, className: React.PropTypes.string,
selectedEditions: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
getInitialState() { React.PropTypes.object,
return mergeOptions( React.PropTypes.array
EditionListStore.getState(), ]),
UserStore.getState(), children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
PieceListStore.getState() React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.element),
); React.PropTypes.element
}, ])
componentDidMount() {
PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(this.state.page, this.state.pageSize, this.state.search,
this.state.orderBy, this.state.orderAsc, this.state.filterBy);
componentWillUnmount() {
onChange(state) {
fetchSelectedPieceEditionList() {
let filteredPieceIdList = Object.keys(this.state.editionList)
.filter((pieceId) => {
return this.state.editionList[pieceId]
.filter((edition) => edition.selected).length > 0;
return filteredPieceIdList;
fetchSelectedEditionList() {
let selectedEditionList = [];
.forEach((pieceId) => {
let filteredEditionsForPiece = this.state.editionList[pieceId].filter((edition) => edition.selected);
selectedEditionList = selectedEditionList.concat(filteredEditionsForPiece);
return selectedEditionList;
}, },
clearAllSelections() { clearAllSelections() {
@ -82,22 +29,8 @@ let PieceListBulkModal = React.createClass({
EditionListActions.closeAllEditionLists(); EditionListActions.closeAllEditionLists();
}, },
handleSuccess() {
PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(this.state.page, this.state.pageSize, this.state.search,
this.state.orderBy, this.state.orderAsc, this.state.filterBy);
.forEach((pieceId) => {
EditionListActions.refreshEditionList({pieceId, filterBy: {}});
render() { render() {
let selectedEditions = this.fetchSelectedEditionList(); if (Object.keys(this.props.availableAcls).length) {
let availableAcls = getAvailableAcls(selectedEditions, (aclName) => aclName !== 'acl_view');
if(Object.keys(availableAcls).length > 0) {
return ( return (
<div className={this.props.className}> <div className={this.props.className}>
<div className="row no-margin"> <div className="row no-margin">
@ -106,7 +39,7 @@ let PieceListBulkModal = React.createClass({
<div className="row"> <div className="row">
<div className="text-center"> <div className="text-center">
<PieceListBulkModalSelectedEditionsWidget <PieceListBulkModalSelectedEditionsWidget
numberOfSelectedEditions={this.fetchSelectedEditionList().length} /> numberOfSelectedEditions={this.props.selectedEditions.length} />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<span <span
className="piece-list-bulk-modal-clear-all" className="piece-list-bulk-modal-clear-all"
@ -115,15 +48,7 @@ let PieceListBulkModal = React.createClass({
</div> </div>
<p></p> <p></p>
<div className="row-fluid"> <div className="row-fluid">
<AclButtonList {this.props.children}
className="text-center ascribe-button-list collapse-group">
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
@ -132,7 +57,6 @@ let PieceListBulkModal = React.createClass({
} else { } else {
return null; return null;
} }
} }
}); });

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let PieceListToolbarFilterWidget = React.createClass({
}, },
generateFilterByStatement(param) { generateFilterByStatement(param) {
let filterBy = this.props.filterBy; const filterBy = Object.assign({}, this.props.filterBy);
if(filterBy) { if(filterBy) {
// we need hasOwnProperty since the values are all booleans // we need hasOwnProperty since the values are all booleans
@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ let PieceListToolbarFilterWidget = React.createClass({
*/ */
filterBy(param) { filterBy(param) {
return () => { return () => {
let filterBy = this.generateFilterByStatement(param); const filterBy = this.generateFilterByStatement(param);
this.props.applyFilterBy(filterBy); this.props.applyFilterBy(filterBy);
}; };
}, },
isFilterActive() { isFilterActive() {
let trueValuesOnly = Object.keys(this.props.filterBy).filter((acl) => acl); const trueValuesOnly = Object.keys(this.props.filterBy).filter((acl) => acl);
// We're hiding the star in that complicated matter so that, // We're hiding the star in that complicated matter so that,
// the surrounding button is not resized up on appearance // the surrounding button is not resized up on appearance
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let PieceListToolbarFilterWidget = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
let filterIcon = ( const filterIcon = (
<span> <span>
<span className="ascribe-icon icon-ascribe-filter" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span className="ascribe-icon icon-ascribe-filter" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span style={this.isFilterActive()}>*</span> <span style={this.isFilterActive()}>*</span>

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ let ContractSettingsUpdateButton = React.createClass({
render() { render() {
return ( return (
<ReactS3FineUploader <ReactS3FineUploader
fileInputElement={UploadButton} fileInputElement={UploadButton()}
keyRoutine={{ keyRoutine={{
url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/', url: AppConstants.serverUrl + 's3/key/',
fileClass: 'contract' fileClass: 'contract'

View File

@ -7,26 +7,26 @@ let AscribeSpinner = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
classNames: React.PropTypes.string, classNames: React.PropTypes.string,
size: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['sm', 'md', 'lg']), size: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['sm', 'md', 'lg']),
color: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['blue', 'dark-blue', 'light-blue', 'pink', 'black', 'loop']) color: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['black', 'blue', 'dark-blue', 'light-blue', 'pink', 'white', 'loop'])
}, },
getDefaultProps() { getDefaultProps() {
return { return {
inline: false, inline: false,
size: 'md', size: 'md'
color: 'loop'
}; };
}, },
render() { render() {
const { classNames: classes, color, size } = this.props;
return ( return (
<div <div
className={ className={classNames('spinner-wrapper-' + size,
classNames('spinner-wrapper-' + this.props.size, color ? 'spinner-wrapper-' + color : null,
'spinner-wrapper-' + this.props.color, classes)}>
this.props.classNames)}> <div className='spinner-circle' />
<div className={classNames('spinner-circle')}></div> <div className='spinner-inner'>A</div>
<div className={classNames('spinner-inner')}>A</div>
</div> </div>
); );
} }

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ let FileDragAndDrop = React.createClass({
className: React.PropTypes.string, className: React.PropTypes.string,
onDrop: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired, onDrop: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onDragOver: React.PropTypes.func, onDragOver: React.PropTypes.func,
onInactive: React.PropTypes.func,
filesToUpload: React.PropTypes.array, filesToUpload: React.PropTypes.array,
handleDeleteFile: React.PropTypes.func, handleDeleteFile: React.PropTypes.func,
handleCancelFile: React.PropTypes.func, handleCancelFile: React.PropTypes.func,
@ -60,28 +59,21 @@ let FileDragAndDrop = React.createClass({
handleDrop(event) { handleDrop(event) {
event.preventDefault(); event.preventDefault();
event.stopPropagation(); event.stopPropagation();
let files;
if(this.props.dropzoneInactive) { if (!this.props.dropzoneInactive) {
// if there is a handle function for doing stuff let files;
// when the dropzone is inactive, then call it
if(this.props.onInactive) { // handle Drag and Drop
this.props.onInactive(); if(event.dataTransfer && event.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {
files = event.dataTransfer.files;
} else if(event.target.files) { // handle input type file
files = event.target.files;
} }
// handle Drag and Drop if(typeof this.props.onDrop === 'function' && files) {
if(event.dataTransfer && event.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) { this.props.onDrop(files);
files = event.dataTransfer.files; }
} else if(event.target.files) { // handle input type file
files = event.target.files;
} }
if(typeof this.props.onDrop === 'function' && files) {
}, },
handleDeleteFile(fileId) { handleDeleteFile(fileId) {
@ -113,31 +105,25 @@ let FileDragAndDrop = React.createClass({
}, },
handleOnClick() { handleOnClick() {
let evt; // do not propagate event if the drop zone's inactive,
// when multiple is set to false and the user already uploaded a piece, // for example when multiple is set to false and the user already uploaded a piece
// do not propagate event if (!this.props.dropzoneInactive) {
if(this.props.dropzoneInactive) { let evt;
// if there is a handle function for doing stuff
// when the dropzone is inactive, then call it try {
if(this.props.onInactive) { evt = new MouseEvent('click', {
this.props.onInactive(); view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
} catch(e) {
// For browsers that do not support the new MouseEvent syntax
evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 80, 20, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
} }
try { this.refs.fileSelector.getDOMNode().dispatchEvent(evt);
evt = new MouseEvent('click', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
} catch(e) {
// For browsers that do not support the new MouseEvent syntax
evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 80, 20, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
} }
}, },
render: function () { render: function () {

View File

@ -5,22 +5,31 @@ import React from 'react';
import FileDragAndDropPreviewImage from './file_drag_and_drop_preview_image'; import FileDragAndDropPreviewImage from './file_drag_and_drop_preview_image';
import FileDragAndDropPreviewOther from './file_drag_and_drop_preview_other'; import FileDragAndDropPreviewOther from './file_drag_and_drop_preview_other';
import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils';
import { truncateTextAtCharIndex } from '../../../utils/general_utils';
import { extractFileExtensionFromString } from '../../../utils/file_utils';
let FileDragAndDropPreview = React.createClass({
const { shape, string, number, func, bool } = React.PropTypes;
const FileDragAndDropPreview = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
file: React.PropTypes.shape({ file: shape({
url: React.PropTypes.string, url: string,
type: React.PropTypes.string type: string,
progress: number,
id: number,
status: string,
s3Url: string,
s3UrlSafe: string
}).isRequired, }).isRequired,
handleDeleteFile: React.PropTypes.func, handleDeleteFile: func,
handleCancelFile: React.PropTypes.func, handleCancelFile: func,
handlePauseFile: React.PropTypes.func, handlePauseFile: func,
handleResumeFile: React.PropTypes.func, handleResumeFile: func,
areAssetsDownloadable: React.PropTypes.bool, areAssetsDownloadable: bool,
areAssetsEditable: React.PropTypes.bool areAssetsEditable: bool,
numberOfDisplayedFiles: number
}, },
toggleUploadProcess() { toggleUploadProcess() {
@ -32,14 +41,21 @@ let FileDragAndDropPreview = React.createClass({
}, },
handleDeleteFile() { handleDeleteFile() {
// handleDeleteFile is optional, so if its not submitted, const { handleDeleteFile,
// don't run it handleCancelFile,
// On the other hand, if the files progress is not yet at a 100%, file } = this.props;
// just run fineuploader.cancel // `handleDeleteFile` is optional, so if its not submitted, don't run it
if(this.props.handleDeleteFile && this.props.file.progress === 100) { //
this.props.handleDeleteFile(this.props.file.id); // For delete though, we only want to trigger it, when we're sure that
} else if(this.props.handleCancelFile && this.props.file.progress !== 100) { // the file has *completely* been uploaded to S3 and call now also be
this.props.handleCancelFile(this.props.file.id); // deleted using an HTTP DELETE request.
if (handleDeleteFile &&
file.progress === 100 &&
(file.status === 'upload successful' || file.status === 'online') &&
file.s3UrlSafe) {
} else if(handleCancelFile) {
} }
}, },
@ -50,44 +66,80 @@ let FileDragAndDropPreview = React.createClass({
} }
}, },
getFileName() {
const { numberOfDisplayedFiles, file } = this.props;
if(numberOfDisplayedFiles === 1) {
return (
<span className="file-name">
{truncateTextAtCharIndex(file.name, 30, '(...).' + extractFileExtensionFromString(file.name))}
} else {
return null;
getRemoveButton() {
if(this.props.areAssetsEditable) {
return (
<div className="delete-file">
className="glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-center"
title={getLangText('Remove file')}
} else {
return null;
render() { render() {
const { file,
numberOfDisplayedFiles } = this.props;
const innerStyle = numberOfDisplayedFiles === 1 ? { verticalAlign: 'middle' } : null;
const outerStyle = numberOfDisplayedFiles !== 1 ? { display: 'inline-block' } : null;
let previewElement; let previewElement;
let removeBtn;
// Decide whether an image or a placeholder picture should be displayed // Decide whether an image or a placeholder picture should be displayed
if(this.props.file.type.split('/')[0] === 'image') { // If a file has its `thumbnailUrl` defined, then we display it also as an image
previewElement = (<FileDragAndDropPreviewImage if(file.type.split('/')[0] === 'image' || file.thumbnailUrl) {
onClick={this.handleDeleteFile} previewElement = (
progress={this.props.file.progress} <FileDragAndDropPreviewImage
url={this.props.file.url} onClick={this.handleDeleteFile}
toggleUploadProcess={this.toggleUploadProcess} progress={file.progress}
areAssetsDownloadable={this.props.areAssetsDownloadable} url={file.thumbnailUrl || file.url}
downloadUrl={this.props.file.s3UrlSafe}/>); toggleUploadProcess={this.toggleUploadProcess}
showProgress={numberOfDisplayedFiles > 1} />
} else { } else {
previewElement = (<FileDragAndDropPreviewOther previewElement = (
onClick={this.handleDeleteFile} <FileDragAndDropPreviewOther
progress={this.props.file.progress} onClick={this.handleDeleteFile}
type={this.props.file.type.split('/')[1]} progress={file.progress}
toggleUploadProcess={this.toggleUploadProcess} type={file.type.split('/')[1]}
areAssetsDownloadable={this.props.areAssetsDownloadable} toggleUploadProcess={this.toggleUploadProcess}
downloadUrl={this.props.file.s3UrlSafe}/>); areAssetsDownloadable={areAssetsDownloadable}
} downloadUrl={file.s3UrlSafe}
showProgress={numberOfDisplayedFiles > 1} />
if(this.props.areAssetsEditable) { );
removeBtn = (<div className="delete-file">
className="glyphicon glyphicon-remove text-center"
title={getLangText('Remove file')}
} }
return ( return (
<div <div style={outerStyle}>
className="file-drag-and-drop-position"> <div
{removeBtn} style={innerStyle}
{previewElement} className="file-drag-and-drop-position">
</div> </div>
); );
} }

View File

@ -3,16 +3,21 @@
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import ProgressBar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ProgressBar'; import ProgressBar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ProgressBar';
import AclProxy from '../../acl_proxy';
import AscribeSpinner from '../../ascribe_spinner'; import AscribeSpinner from '../../ascribe_spinner';
import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils';
let FileDragAndDropPreviewImage = React.createClass({
const { number, string, func, bool } = React.PropTypes;
const FileDragAndDropPreviewImage = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
progress: React.PropTypes.number, progress: number,
url: React.PropTypes.string, url: string,
toggleUploadProcess: React.PropTypes.func, toggleUploadProcess: func,
downloadUrl: React.PropTypes.string, downloadUrl: string,
areAssetsDownloadable: React.PropTypes.bool areAssetsDownloadable: bool,
showProgress: bool
}, },
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
@ -33,40 +38,44 @@ let FileDragAndDropPreviewImage = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
let imageStyle = { const { url,
backgroundImage: 'url("' + this.props.url + '")', progress,
showProgress } = this.props;
const imageStyle = {
backgroundImage: 'url("' + url + '")',
backgroundSize: 'cover' backgroundSize: 'cover'
}; };
let actionSymbol; let actionSymbol;
if(this.props.progress > 0 && this.props.progress < 99 && this.state.paused) { // only if assets are actually downloadable, there should be a download icon if the process is already at
actionSymbol = <span className="glyphicon glyphicon-pause action-file" aria-hidden="true" title={getLangText('Pause upload')} onClick={this.toggleUploadProcess}/>; // 100%. If not, no actionSymbol should be displayed
} else if(this.props.progress > 0 && this.props.progress < 99 && !this.state.paused) { if(progress === 100 && areAssetsDownloadable) {
actionSymbol = <span className="glyphicon glyphicon-play action-file" aria-hidden="true" title={getLangText('Resume uploading')} onClick={this.toggleUploadProcess}/>; actionSymbol = <a href={downloadUrl} target="_blank" className="glyphicon glyphicon-download action-file" aria-hidden="true" title={getLangText('Download file')}/>;
} else if(this.props.progress === 100) { } else if(progress >= 0 && progress < 100) {
// only if assets are actually downloadable, there should be a download icon if the process is already at
// 100%. If not, no actionSymbol should be displayed
if(this.props.areAssetsDownloadable) {
actionSymbol = <a href={this.props.downloadUrl} target="_blank" className="glyphicon glyphicon-download action-file" aria-hidden="true" title={getLangText('Download file')}/>;
} else {
actionSymbol = ( actionSymbol = (
<div className="spinner-file"> <div className="spinner-file">
<AscribeSpinner color='dark-blue' size='md' /> <AscribeSpinner color='dark-blue' size='md' />
</div> </div>
); );
} else {
actionSymbol = (
<span className='ascribe-icon icon-ascribe-ok action-file'/>
} }
return ( return (
<div <div
className="file-drag-and-drop-preview-image" className="file-drag-and-drop-preview-image"
style={imageStyle}> style={imageStyle}>
<ProgressBar <AclProxy
now={Math.ceil(this.props.progress)} show={showProgress}>
className="ascribe-progress-bar ascribe-progress-bar-xs"/> <ProgressBar
className="ascribe-progress-bar ascribe-progress-bar-xs"/>
{actionSymbol} {actionSymbol}
</div> </div>
); );

View File

@ -29,27 +29,25 @@ let FileDragAndDropPreviewIterator = React.createClass({
areAssetsDownloadable, areAssetsDownloadable,
areAssetsEditable areAssetsEditable
} = this.props; } = this.props;
files = files.filter(displayValidFilesFilter); files = files.filter(displayValidFilesFilter);
if(files && files.length > 0) { if(files && files.length > 0) {
return ( return (
<div className="file-drag-and-drop-preview-iterator"> <div>
<div className="file-drag-and-drop-preview-iterator-spacing"> {files.map((file, i) => {
{files.map((file, i) => { return (
return ( <FileDragAndDropPreview
<FileDragAndDropPreview key={i}
key={i} file={file}
file={file} handleDeleteFile={handleDeleteFile}
handleDeleteFile={handleDeleteFile} handleCancelFile={handleCancelFile}
handleCancelFile={handleCancelFile} handlePauseFile={handlePauseFile}
handlePauseFile={handlePauseFile} handleResumeFile={handleResumeFile}
handleResumeFile={handleResumeFile} areAssetsDownloadable={areAssetsDownloadable}
areAssetsDownloadable={areAssetsDownloadable} areAssetsEditable={areAssetsEditable}
areAssetsEditable={areAssetsEditable}/> numberOfDisplayedFiles={files.length}/>
); );
})} })}
<FileDragAndDropPreviewProgress files={files} /> <FileDragAndDropPreviewProgress files={files} />
</div> </div>
); );

View File

@ -3,16 +3,21 @@
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import ProgressBar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ProgressBar'; import ProgressBar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ProgressBar';
import AclProxy from '../../acl_proxy';
import AscribeSpinner from '../../ascribe_spinner'; import AscribeSpinner from '../../ascribe_spinner';
import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils';
let FileDragAndDropPreviewOther = React.createClass({
const { string, number, bool, func } = React.PropTypes;
const FileDragAndDropPreviewOther = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
type: React.PropTypes.string, type: string,
progress: React.PropTypes.number, progress: number,
areAssetsDownloadable: React.PropTypes.bool, areAssetsDownloadable: bool,
toggleUploadProcess: React.PropTypes.func, toggleUploadProcess: func,
downloadUrl: React.PropTypes.string downloadUrl: string,
showProgress: bool
}, },
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
@ -33,39 +38,49 @@ let FileDragAndDropPreviewOther = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
const { progress,
showProgress } = this.props;
const style = !showProgress ? { visibility: 'hidden' } : null;
let actionSymbol; let actionSymbol;
if(this.props.progress > 0 && this.props.progress < 99 && this.state.paused) { // only if assets are actually downloadable, there should be a
actionSymbol = <span className="glyphicon glyphicon-pause action-file" aria-hidden="true" title={getLangText('Pause upload')} onClick={this.toggleUploadProcess}/>; // download icon if the process is already at 100%.
} else if(this.props.progress > 0 && this.props.progress < 99 && !this.state.paused) { // If not, no actionSymbol should be displayed
actionSymbol = <span className="glyphicon glyphicon-play action-file" aria-hidden="true" title={getLangText('Resume uploading')} onClick={this.toggleUploadProcess}/>; if (progress === 100 && areAssetsDownloadable) {
} else if(this.props.progress === 100) { actionSymbol = (
// only if assets are actually downloadable, there should be a download icon if the process is already at href={downloadUrl}
// 100%. If not, no actionSymbol should be displayed target="_blank"
if(this.props.areAssetsDownloadable) { className="glyphicon glyphicon-download action-file"
actionSymbol = <a href={this.props.downloadUrl} target="_blank" className="glyphicon glyphicon-download action-file" aria-hidden="true" title={getLangText('Download file')}/>; aria-hidden="true"
} title={getLangText('Download file')}/>
} else { } else if(progress >= 0 && progress < 100) {
actionSymbol = ( actionSymbol = (
<div className="spinner-file"> <div className="spinner-file">
<AscribeSpinner color='dark-blue' size='md' /> <AscribeSpinner color='dark-blue' size='md' />
</div> </div>
); );
} else {
actionSymbol = (
<span className='ascribe-icon icon-ascribe-ok action-file'/>
} }
return ( return (
<div <div
className="file-drag-and-drop-preview"> className="file-drag-and-drop-preview">
<ProgressBar <ProgressBar
now={Math.ceil(this.props.progress)} now={Math.ceil(progress)}
className="ascribe-progress-bar ascribe-progress-bar-xs"/> className="ascribe-progress-bar ascribe-progress-bar-xs"/>
<div className="file-drag-and-drop-preview-table-wrapper"> <div className="file-drag-and-drop-preview-table-wrapper">
<div className="file-drag-and-drop-preview-other"> <div className="file-drag-and-drop-preview-other">
{actionSymbol} {actionSymbol}
<p>{'.' + this.props.type}</p> <p style={style}>{'.' + type}</p>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>

View File

@ -5,10 +5,9 @@ import React from 'react';
import ProgressBar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ProgressBar'; import ProgressBar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ProgressBar';
import { displayValidProgressFilesFilter } from '../react_s3_fine_uploader_utils'; import { displayValidProgressFilesFilter } from '../react_s3_fine_uploader_utils';
import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils';
let FileDragAndDropPreviewProgress = React.createClass({ const FileDragAndDropPreviewProgress = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
files: React.PropTypes.array files: React.PropTypes.array
}, },
@ -40,24 +39,18 @@ let FileDragAndDropPreviewProgress = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
const files = this.props.files.filter(displayValidProgressFilesFilter);
const style = !files.length ? { display: 'none' } : null;
let overallProgress = this.calcOverallProgress(); let overallProgress = this.calcOverallProgress();
let overallFileSize = this.calcOverallFileSize();
let style = {
visibility: 'hidden'
// only visible if overallProgress is over zero
// or the overallFileSize is greater than 10MB
if(overallProgress !== 0 && overallFileSize > 10000000) {
style.visibility = 'visible';
return ( return (
<ProgressBar <div style={{marginTop: '1.3em'}}>
now={Math.ceil(overallProgress)} <ProgressBar
label={getLangText('Overall progress%s', ': %(percent)s%')} now={Math.ceil(overallProgress)}
className="ascribe-progress-bar" label={'%(percent)s%'}
style={style} /> className="ascribe-progress-bar"
style={style} />
); );
} }
}); });

View File

@ -2,138 +2,195 @@
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import Glyphicon from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Glyphicon';
import { displayValidProgressFilesFilter } from '../react_s3_fine_uploader_utils'; import { displayValidProgressFilesFilter } from '../react_s3_fine_uploader_utils';
import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../../utils/lang_utils';
import { truncateTextAtCharIndex } from '../../../utils/general_utils'; import { truncateTextAtCharIndex } from '../../../utils/general_utils';
const { func, array, bool, shape, string } = React.PropTypes; const { func, array, bool, shape, string } = React.PropTypes;
let UploadButton = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
onDrop: func.isRequired,
filesToUpload: array,
multiple: bool,
// For simplification purposes we're just going to use this prop as a export default function UploadButton({ className = 'btn btn-default btn-sm' } = {}) {
// label for the upload button return React.createClass({
fileClassToUpload: shape({ displayName: 'UploadButton',
singular: string,
plural: string
allowedExtensions: string, propTypes: {
onDrop: func.isRequired,
filesToUpload: array,
multiple: bool,
handleCancelFile: func // provided by ReactS3FineUploader // For simplification purposes we're just going to use this prop as a
}, // label for the upload button
fileClassToUpload: shape({
singular: string,
plural: string
handleDrop(event) { allowedExtensions: string,
let files = event.target.files;
if(typeof this.props.onDrop === 'function' && files) { // provided by ReactS3FineUploader
this.props.onDrop(files); handleCancelFile: func,
} handleDeleteFile: func
}, getInitialState() {
return {
disabled: this.getUploadingFiles().length !== 0
getUploadingFiles() { componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
return this.props.filesToUpload.filter((file) => file.status === 'uploading'); if(this.props.filesToUpload !== nextProps.filesToUpload) {
}, this.setState({
disabled: this.getUploadingFiles(nextProps.filesToUpload).length !== 0
getUploadedFile() { handleDrop(event) {
return this.props.filesToUpload.filter((file) => file.status === 'upload successful')[0]; event.preventDefault();
}, event.stopPropagation();
let files = event.target.files;
handleOnClick() { if(typeof this.props.onDrop === 'function' && files) {
const uploadingFiles = this.getUploadingFiles(); this.props.onDrop(files);
const uploadedFile = this.getUploadedFile(); }
if(uploadedFile) { getUploadingFiles(filesToUpload = this.props.filesToUpload) {
this.props.handleCancelFile(uploadedFile.id); return filesToUpload.filter((file) => file.status === 'uploading');
} },
if(uploadingFiles.length === 0) {
// We only want the button to be clickable if there are no files currently uploading
// Firefox only recognizes the simulated mouse click if bubbles is set to true, getUploadedFile() {
// but since Google Chrome propagates the event much further than needed, we return this.props.filesToUpload.filter((file) => file.status === 'upload successful')[0];
// need to stop propagation as soon as the event is created },
var evt = new MouseEvent('click', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
evt.stopPropagation(); clearSelection() {
this.refs.fileinput.getDOMNode().dispatchEvent(evt); this.refs.fileSelector.getDOMNode().value = '';
} },
getButtonLabel() { handleOnClick() {
let { filesToUpload, fileClassToUpload } = this.props; if(!this.state.disabled) {
let evt;
const uploadingFiles = this.getUploadingFiles();
const uploadedFile = this.getUploadedFile();
// filter invalid files that might have been deleted or canceled... this.clearSelection();
filesToUpload = filesToUpload.filter(displayValidProgressFilesFilter); if(uploadingFiles.length) {
} else if(uploadedFile && !uploadedFile.s3UrlSafe) {
} else if(uploadedFile && uploadedFile.s3UrlSafe) {
if(this.getUploadingFiles().length !== 0) { try {
return getLangText('Upload progress') + ': ' + Math.ceil(filesToUpload[0].progress) + '%'; evt = new MouseEvent('click', {
} else { view: window,
return fileClassToUpload.singular; bubbles: true,
} cancelable: true
}, });
} catch(e) {
// For browsers that do not support the new MouseEvent syntax
evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 80, 20, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
getUploadedFileLabel() { onClickCancel() {
const uploadedFile = this.getUploadedFile(); this.clearSelection();
const uploadingFile = this.getUploadingFiles()[0];
if(uploadedFile) { onClickRemove() {
const uploadedFile = this.getUploadedFile();
getButtonLabel() {
let { filesToUpload, fileClassToUpload } = this.props;
// filter invalid files that might have been deleted or canceled...
filesToUpload = filesToUpload.filter(displayValidProgressFilesFilter);
if(this.getUploadingFiles().length !== 0) {
return getLangText('Upload progress') + ': ' + Math.ceil(filesToUpload[0].progress) + '%';
} else {
return fileClassToUpload.singular;
getUploadedFileLabel() {
const uploadedFile = this.getUploadedFile();
const uploadingFiles = this.getUploadingFiles();
if(uploadingFiles.length) {
return (
{' ' + truncateTextAtCharIndex(uploadingFiles[0].name, 40) + ' '}
[<a onClick={this.onClickCancel}>{getLangText('cancel upload')}</a>]
} else if(uploadedFile) {
return (
<span className='ascribe-icon icon-ascribe-ok'/>
{' ' + truncateTextAtCharIndex(uploadedFile.name, 40) + ' '}
[<a onClick={this.onClickRemove}>{getLangText('remove')}</a>]
} else {
return (
<span>{getLangText('No file chosen')}</span>
render() {
const {
allowedExtensions } = this.props;
const { disabled } = this.state;
* We do not want a button that submits here.
* As UploadButton could be used in forms that want to be submitted independent
* of clicking the selector.
* Therefore the wrapping component needs to be an `anchor` tag instead of a `button`
return ( return (
<span> <div className="upload-button-wrapper">
<Glyphicon glyph="ok" /> {/*
{' ' + truncateTextAtCharIndex(uploadedFile.name, 40)} The button needs to be of `type="button"` as it would
</span> otherwise submit the form its in.
); */}
} else { <button
return ( type="button"
<span>{getLangText('No file chosen')}</span> onClick={this.handleOnClick}
display: 'none',
height: 0,
width: 0
); );
} }
}, });
render() {
let { multiple,
allowedExtensions } = this.props;
* We do not want a button that submits here.
* As UploadButton could be used in forms that want to be submitted independent
* of clicking the selector.
* Therefore the wrapping component needs to be an `anchor` tag instead of a `button`
return (
<div className="upload-button-wrapper">
className="btn btn-default btn-sm margin-left-2px"
disabled={this.getUploadingFiles().length !== 0}>
display: 'none',
height: 0,
width: 0
export default UploadButton;

View File

@ -18,88 +18,100 @@ import { displayValidFilesFilter, transformAllowedExtensionsToInputAcceptProp }
import { getCookie } from '../../utils/fetch_api_utils'; import { getCookie } from '../../utils/fetch_api_utils';
import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../utils/lang_utils';
let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
const { shape,
arrayOf } = React.PropTypes;
const ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
keyRoutine: React.PropTypes.shape({ keyRoutine: shape({
url: React.PropTypes.string, url: string,
fileClass: React.PropTypes.string, fileClass: string,
pieceId: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ pieceId: oneOfType([
React.PropTypes.string, string,
React.PropTypes.number number
]) ])
}), }),
createBlobRoutine: React.PropTypes.shape({ createBlobRoutine: shape({
url: React.PropTypes.string, url: string,
pieceId: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ pieceId: oneOfType([
React.PropTypes.string, string,
React.PropTypes.number number
]) ])
}), }),
submitFile: React.PropTypes.func, handleChangedFile: func, // is for when a file is dropped or selected
autoUpload: React.PropTypes.bool, submitFile: func, // is for when a file has been successfully uploaded, TODO: rename to handleSubmitFile
debug: React.PropTypes.bool, autoUpload: bool,
objectProperties: React.PropTypes.shape({ debug: bool,
acl: React.PropTypes.string objectProperties: shape({
acl: string
}), }),
request: React.PropTypes.shape({ request: shape({
endpoint: React.PropTypes.string, endpoint: string,
accessKey: React.PropTypes.string, accessKey: string,
params: React.PropTypes.shape({ params: shape({
csrfmiddlewaretoken: React.PropTypes.string csrfmiddlewaretoken: string
}) })
}), }),
signature: React.PropTypes.shape({ signature: shape({
endpoint: React.PropTypes.string endpoint: string
}).isRequired, }).isRequired,
uploadSuccess: React.PropTypes.shape({ uploadSuccess: shape({
method: React.PropTypes.string, method: string,
endpoint: React.PropTypes.string, endpoint: string,
params: React.PropTypes.shape({ params: shape({
isBrowserPreviewCapable: React.PropTypes.any, // maybe fix this later isBrowserPreviewCapable: any, // maybe fix this later
bitcoin_ID_noPrefix: React.PropTypes.string bitcoin_ID_noPrefix: string
}) })
}), }),
cors: React.PropTypes.shape({ cors: shape({
expected: React.PropTypes.bool expected: bool
}), }),
chunking: React.PropTypes.shape({ chunking: shape({
enabled: React.PropTypes.bool enabled: bool
}), }),
resume: React.PropTypes.shape({ resume: shape({
enabled: React.PropTypes.bool enabled: bool
}), }),
deleteFile: React.PropTypes.shape({ deleteFile: shape({
enabled: React.PropTypes.bool, enabled: bool,
method: React.PropTypes.string, method: string,
endpoint: React.PropTypes.string, endpoint: string,
customHeaders: React.PropTypes.object customHeaders: object
}).isRequired, }).isRequired,
session: React.PropTypes.shape({ session: shape({
customHeaders: React.PropTypes.object, customHeaders: object,
endpoint: React.PropTypes.string, endpoint: string,
params: React.PropTypes.object, params: object,
refreshOnRequests: React.PropTypes.bool refreshOnRequests: bool
}), }),
validation: React.PropTypes.shape({ validation: shape({
itemLimit: React.PropTypes.number, itemLimit: number,
sizeLimit: React.PropTypes.string, sizeLimit: string,
allowedExtensions: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.string) allowedExtensions: arrayOf(string)
}), }),
messages: React.PropTypes.shape({ messages: shape({
unsupportedBrowser: React.PropTypes.string unsupportedBrowser: string
}), }),
formatFileName: React.PropTypes.func, formatFileName: func,
multiple: React.PropTypes.bool, multiple: bool,
retry: React.PropTypes.shape({ retry: shape({
enableAuto: React.PropTypes.bool enableAuto: bool
}), }),
uploadStarted: React.PropTypes.func, setIsUploadReady: func,
setIsUploadReady: React.PropTypes.func, isReadyForFormSubmission: func,
isReadyForFormSubmission: React.PropTypes.func, areAssetsDownloadable: bool,
areAssetsDownloadable: React.PropTypes.bool, areAssetsEditable: bool,
areAssetsEditable: React.PropTypes.bool, defaultErrorMessage: string,
defaultErrorMessage: React.PropTypes.string,
onInactive: React.PropTypes.func,
// We encountered some cases where people had difficulties to upload their // We encountered some cases where people had difficulties to upload their
// works to ascribe due to a slow internet connection. // works to ascribe due to a slow internet connection.
@ -112,22 +124,22 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
// which should be passed into 'uploadMethod': // which should be passed into 'uploadMethod':
// 'hash': upload using the hash // 'hash': upload using the hash
// 'upload': upload full file (default if not specified) // 'upload': upload full file (default if not specified)
enableLocalHashing: React.PropTypes.bool, enableLocalHashing: bool,
uploadMethod: React.PropTypes.oneOf(['hash', 'upload']), uploadMethod: oneOf(['hash', 'upload']),
// A class of a file the user has to upload // A class of a file the user has to upload
// Needs to be defined both in singular as well as in plural // Needs to be defined both in singular as well as in plural
fileClassToUpload: React.PropTypes.shape({ fileClassToUpload: shape({
singular: React.PropTypes.string, singular: string,
plural: React.PropTypes.string plural: string
}), }),
// Uploading functionality of react fineuploader is disconnected from its UI // Uploading functionality of react fineuploader is disconnected from its UI
// layer, which means that literally every (properly adjusted) react element // layer, which means that literally every (properly adjusted) react element
// can handle the UI handling. // can handle the UI handling.
fileInputElement: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ fileInputElement: oneOfType([
React.PropTypes.func, func,
React.PropTypes.element element
]) ])
}, },
@ -273,7 +285,7 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
// Cancel uploads and clear previously selected files on the input element // Cancel uploads and clear previously selected files on the input element
cancelUploads(id) { cancelUploads(id) {
!!id ? this.state.uploader.cancel(id) : this.state.uploader.cancelAll(); typeof id !== 'undefined' ? this.state.uploader.cancel(id) : this.state.uploader.cancelAll();
// Reset the file input element to clear the previously selected files so that // Reset the file input element to clear the previously selected files so that
// the user can reselect them again. // the user can reselect them again.
@ -376,6 +388,21 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
}); });
}, },
setThumbnailForFileId(fileId, url) {
const { filesToUpload } = this.state;
if(fileId < filesToUpload.length) {
const changeSet = { $set: url };
const newFilesToUpload = React.addons.update(filesToUpload, {
[fileId]: { thumbnailUrl: changeSet }
this.setState({ filesToUpload: newFilesToUpload });
} else {
throw new Error('Accessing an index out of range of filesToUpload');
/* FineUploader specific callback function handlers */ /* FineUploader specific callback function handlers */
onUploadChunk(id, name, chunkData) { onUploadChunk(id, name, chunkData) {
@ -510,7 +537,12 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
onCancel(id) { onCancel(id) {
// when a upload is canceled, we need to update this components file array // when a upload is canceled, we need to update this components file array
this.setStatusOfFile(id, 'canceled'); this.setStatusOfFile(id, 'canceled')
.then(() => {
if(typeof this.props.handleChangedFile === 'function') {
let notification = new GlobalNotificationModel(getLangText('File upload canceled'), 'success', 5000); let notification = new GlobalNotificationModel(getLangText('File upload canceled'), 'success', 5000);
GlobalNotificationActions.appendGlobalNotification(notification); GlobalNotificationActions.appendGlobalNotification(notification);
@ -604,7 +636,12 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
// //
// If there is an error during the deletion, we will just change the status back to 'online' // If there is an error during the deletion, we will just change the status back to 'online'
// and display an error message // and display an error message
this.setStatusOfFile(fileId, 'deleted'); this.setStatusOfFile(fileId, 'deleted')
.then(() => {
if(typeof this.props.handleChangedFile === 'function') {
// In some instances (when the file was already uploaded and is just displayed to the user // In some instances (when the file was already uploaded and is just displayed to the user
// - for example in the contract or additional files dialog) // - for example in the contract or additional files dialog)
@ -672,11 +709,6 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
// override standard files list with only valid files // override standard files list with only valid files
files = validFiles; files = validFiles;
// Call this method to signal the outside component that an upload is in progress
if(typeof this.props.uploadStarted === 'function' && files.length > 0) {
// if multiple is set to false and user drops multiple files into the dropzone, // if multiple is set to false and user drops multiple files into the dropzone,
// take the first one and notify user that only one file can be submitted // take the first one and notify user that only one file can be submitted
if(!this.props.multiple && files.length > 1) { if(!this.props.multiple && files.length > 1) {
@ -849,21 +881,37 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
// set the new file array // set the new file array
let filesToUpload = React.addons.update(this.state.filesToUpload, { $set: oldAndNewFiles }); let filesToUpload = React.addons.update(this.state.filesToUpload, { $set: oldAndNewFiles });
this.setState({ filesToUpload }); this.setState({ filesToUpload }, () => {
// when files have been dropped or selected by a user, we want to propagate that
// information to the outside components, so they can act on it (in our case, because
// we want the user to define a thumbnail when the actual work is not renderable
// (like e.g. a .zip file))
if(typeof this.props.handleChangedFile === 'function') {
// its save to assume that the last file in `filesToUpload` is always
// the latest file added
}, },
// This method has been made promise-based to immediately afterwards
// call a callback function (instantly after this.setState went through)
// This is e.g. needed when showing/hiding the optional thumbnail upload
// field in the registration form
setStatusOfFile(fileId, status) { setStatusOfFile(fileId, status) {
let changeSet = {}; return Q.Promise((resolve) => {
let changeSet = {};
if(status === 'deleted' || status === 'canceled') { if(status === 'deleted' || status === 'canceled') {
changeSet.progress = { $set: 0 }; changeSet.progress = { $set: 0 };
} }
changeSet.status = { $set: status }; changeSet.status = { $set: status };
let filesToUpload = React.addons.update(this.state.filesToUpload, { [fileId]: changeSet }); let filesToUpload = React.addons.update(this.state.filesToUpload, { [fileId]: changeSet });
this.setState({ filesToUpload }); this.setState({ filesToUpload }, resolve);
}, },
isDropzoneInactive() { isDropzoneInactive() {
@ -891,7 +939,6 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
multiple, multiple,
areAssetsDownloadable, areAssetsDownloadable,
areAssetsEditable, areAssetsEditable,
enableLocalHashing, enableLocalHashing,
fileClassToUpload, fileClassToUpload,
fileInputElement: FileInputElement, fileInputElement: FileInputElement,
@ -901,7 +948,6 @@ let ReactS3FineUploader = React.createClass({
multiple, multiple,
areAssetsDownloadable, areAssetsDownloadable,
areAssetsEditable, areAssetsEditable,
enableLocalHashing, enableLocalHashing,
uploadMethod, uploadMethod,
fileClassToUpload, fileClassToUpload,

View File

@ -42,6 +42,15 @@ export function displayValidFilesFilter(file) {
return file.status !== 'deleted' && file.status !== 'canceled'; return file.status !== 'deleted' && file.status !== 'canceled';
} }
* Filter function for filtering all files except for deleted and canceled files
* @param {object} file A file from filesToUpload that has status as a prop.
* @return {boolean}
export function displayRemovedFilesFilter(file) {
return file.status === 'deleted' || file.status === 'canceled';
/** /**
* Filter function for which files to integrate in the progress process * Filter function for which files to integrate in the progress process

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import NotificationStore from '../stores/notification_store';
import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/general_utils';
let ContractNotification = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return mergeOptions(
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
onChange(state) {
render() {
return (
export default ContractNotification;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,16 @@ import { getLangText } from '../utils/lang_utils';
let ErrorNotFoundPage = React.createClass({ let ErrorNotFoundPage = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
message: React.PropTypes.string
getDefaultProps() {
return {
message: getLangText("Oops, the page you are looking for doesn't exist.")
render() { render() {
return ( return (
<div className="row"> <div className="row">
@ -13,7 +23,7 @@ let ErrorNotFoundPage = React.createClass({
<div className="error-wrapper"> <div className="error-wrapper">
<h1>404</h1> <h1>404</h1>
<p> <p>
{getLangText('Ups, the page you are looking for does not exist.')} {this.props.message}
</p> </p>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
'use strict'; 'use strict';
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import GlobalNotificationActions from '../actions/global_notification_actions';
import GlobalNotificationStore from '../stores/global_notification_store'; import GlobalNotificationStore from '../stores/global_notification_store';
import Row from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Row'; import Row from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Row';
@ -9,14 +11,18 @@ import Col from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Col';
import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/general_utils'; import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/general_utils';
let GlobalNotification = React.createClass({ let GlobalNotification = React.createClass({
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
const notificationStore = GlobalNotificationStore.getState();
return mergeOptions( return mergeOptions(
{ {
containerWidth: 0 containerWidth: 0
}, },
this.extractFirstElem(GlobalNotificationStore.getState().notificationQue) notificationStore
); );
}, },
@ -36,35 +42,8 @@ let GlobalNotification = React.createClass({
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleContainerResize); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleContainerResize);
}, },
extractFirstElem(l) {
if(l.length > 0) {
return {
show: true,
message: l[0]
} else {
return {
show: false,
message: ''
onChange(state) { onChange(state) {
let notification = this.extractFirstElem(state.notificationQue); this.setState(state);
// error handling for notifications
if(notification.message && notification.type === 'danger') {
console.logGlobal(new Error(notification.message.message));
if(notification.show) {
} else {
show: false
}, },
handleContainerResize() { handleContainerResize() {
@ -73,32 +52,31 @@ let GlobalNotification = React.createClass({
}); });
}, },
render() { renderNotification() {
let notificationClass = 'ascribe-global-notification'; const {
let textClass; notificationQueue: [notification],
containerWidth } = this.state;
if(this.state.containerWidth > 768) { const notificationClasses = [];
notificationClass = 'ascribe-global-notification-bubble';
if(this.state.show) {
notificationClass += ' ascribe-global-notification-bubble-on';
} else {
notificationClass += ' ascribe-global-notification-bubble-off';
if (this.state.containerWidth > 768) {
notificationClasses.push(notificationStatus === 'show' ? 'ascribe-global-notification-bubble-on'
: 'ascribe-global-notification-bubble-off');
} else { } else {
notificationClass = 'ascribe-global-notification'; notificationClasses.push('ascribe-global-notification');
notificationClasses.push(notificationStatus === 'show' ? 'ascribe-global-notification-on'
if(this.state.show) { : 'ascribe-global-notification-off');
notificationClass += ' ascribe-global-notification-on';
} else {
notificationClass += ' ascribe-global-notification-off';
} }
if(this.state.message) { let textClass;
switch(this.state.message.type) { let message;
if (notification && !notificationsPaused) {
message = notification.message;
switch(notification.type) {
case 'success': case 'success':
textClass = 'ascribe-global-notification-success'; textClass = 'ascribe-global-notification-success';
break; break;
@ -106,18 +84,23 @@ let GlobalNotification = React.createClass({
textClass = 'ascribe-global-notification-danger'; textClass = 'ascribe-global-notification-danger';
break; break;
default: default:
console.warn('Could not find a matching type in global_notification.js'); console.warn('Could not find a matching notification type in global_notification.js');
} }
} }
return (
<div className={classNames(...notificationClasses)}>
<div className={textClass}>{message}</div>
render() {
return ( return (
<div ref="notificationWrapper"> <div ref="notificationWrapper">
<Row> <Row>
<Col> <Col>
<div className={notificationClass}> {this.renderNotification()}
<div className={textClass}>{this.state.message.message}</div>
</Col> </Col>
</Row> </Row>
</div> </div>

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
'use strict'; 'use strict';
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'react-router'; import { Link } from 'react-router';
import history from '../history';
import Nav from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Nav'; import Nav from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Nav';
import Navbar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Navbar'; import Navbar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Navbar';
import CollapsibleNav from 'react-bootstrap/lib/CollapsibleNav'; import CollapsibleNav from 'react-bootstrap/lib/CollapsibleNav';
@ -58,11 +59,17 @@ let Header = React.createClass({
UserStore.listen(this.onChange); UserStore.listen(this.onChange);
WhitelabelActions.fetchWhitelabel(); WhitelabelActions.fetchWhitelabel();
WhitelabelStore.listen(this.onChange); WhitelabelStore.listen(this.onChange);
// react-bootstrap 0.25.1 has a bug in which it doesn't
// close the mobile expanded navigation after a click by itself.
// To get rid of this, we set the state of the component ourselves.
}, },
componentWillUnmount() { componentWillUnmount() {
UserStore.unlisten(this.onChange); UserStore.unlisten(this.onChange);
WhitelabelStore.unlisten(this.onChange); WhitelabelStore.unlisten(this.onChange);
}, },
getLogo() { getLogo() {
@ -135,6 +142,13 @@ let Header = React.createClass({
this.refs.dropdownbutton.setDropdownState(false); this.refs.dropdownbutton.setDropdownState(false);
}, },
// On route change, close expanded navbar again since react-bootstrap doesn't close
// the collapsibleNav by itself on click. setState() isn't available on a ref so
// doing this explicitly is the only way for now.
onRouteChange() {
this.refs.navbar.state.navExpanded = false;
render() { render() {
let account; let account;
let signup; let signup;
@ -201,8 +215,10 @@ let Header = React.createClass({
<Navbar <Navbar
brand={this.getLogo()} brand={this.getLogo()}
toggleNavKey={0} toggleNavKey={0}
fixedTop={true}> fixedTop={true}
<CollapsibleNav eventKey={0}> ref="navbar">
<Nav navbar left> <Nav navbar left>
{this.getPoweredBy()} {this.getPoweredBy()}
</Nav> </Nav>

View File

@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ import AccordionList from './ascribe_accordion_list/accordion_list';
import AccordionListItemWallet from './ascribe_accordion_list/accordion_list_item_wallet'; import AccordionListItemWallet from './ascribe_accordion_list/accordion_list_item_wallet';
import AccordionListItemTableEditions from './ascribe_accordion_list/accordion_list_item_table_editions'; import AccordionListItemTableEditions from './ascribe_accordion_list/accordion_list_item_table_editions';
import AclButtonList from './ascribe_buttons/acl_button_list.js';
import DeleteButton from './ascribe_buttons/delete_button';
import Pagination from './ascribe_pagination/pagination'; import Pagination from './ascribe_pagination/pagination';
import PieceListFilterDisplay from './piece_list_filter_display'; import PieceListFilterDisplay from './piece_list_filter_display';
@ -22,7 +25,8 @@ import PieceListToolbar from './ascribe_piece_list_toolbar/piece_list_toolbar';
import AscribeSpinner from './ascribe_spinner'; import AscribeSpinner from './ascribe_spinner';
import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/general_utils'; import { getAvailableAcls } from '../utils/acl_utils';
import { mergeOptions, isShallowEqual } from '../utils/general_utils';
import { getLangText } from '../utils/lang_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../utils/lang_utils';
import { setDocumentTitle } from '../utils/dom_utils'; import { setDocumentTitle } from '../utils/dom_utils';
@ -30,8 +34,11 @@ import { setDocumentTitle } from '../utils/dom_utils';
let PieceList = React.createClass({ let PieceList = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
accordionListItemType: React.PropTypes.func, accordionListItemType: React.PropTypes.func,
bulkModalButtonListType: React.PropTypes.func,
canLoadPieceList: React.PropTypes.bool,
redirectTo: React.PropTypes.string, redirectTo: React.PropTypes.string,
customSubmitButton: React.PropTypes.element, customSubmitButton: React.PropTypes.element,
customThumbnailPlaceholder: React.PropTypes.func,
filterParams: React.PropTypes.array, filterParams: React.PropTypes.array,
orderParams: React.PropTypes.array, orderParams: React.PropTypes.array,
orderBy: React.PropTypes.string, orderBy: React.PropTypes.string,
@ -43,6 +50,8 @@ let PieceList = React.createClass({
getDefaultProps() { getDefaultProps() {
return { return {
accordionListItemType: AccordionListItemWallet, accordionListItemType: AccordionListItemWallet,
bulkModalButtonListType: AclButtonList,
canLoadPieceList: true,
orderParams: ['artist_name', 'title'], orderParams: ['artist_name', 'title'],
filterParams: [{ filterParams: [{
label: getLangText('Show works I can'), label: getLangText('Show works I can'),
@ -54,23 +63,53 @@ let PieceList = React.createClass({
}] }]
}; };
}, },
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
return mergeOptions( const pieceListStore = PieceListStore.getState();
PieceListStore.getState(), const stores = mergeOptions(
EditionListStore.getState() pieceListStore,
isFilterDirty: false
); );
// Use the default filters but use the pieceListStore's settings if they're available
stores.filterBy = Object.assign(this.getDefaultFilterBy(), pieceListStore.filterBy);
return stores;
}, },
componentDidMount() { componentDidMount() {
let page = this.props.location.query.page || 1;
PieceListStore.listen(this.onChange); PieceListStore.listen(this.onChange);
EditionListStore.listen(this.onChange); EditionListStore.listen(this.onChange);
let orderBy = this.props.orderBy ? this.props.orderBy : this.state.orderBy; let page = this.props.location.query.page || 1;
if (this.state.pieceList.length === 0 || this.state.page !== page){ if (this.props.canLoadPieceList && (this.state.pieceList.length === 0 || this.state.page !== page)) {
PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(page, this.state.pageSize, this.state.search, this.loadPieceList({ page });
orderBy, this.state.orderAsc, this.state.filterBy); }
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
let filterBy;
let page = this.props.location.query.page || 1;
// If the user hasn't changed the filter and the new default filter is different
// than the current filter, apply the new default filter
if (!this.state.isFilterDirty) {
const newDefaultFilterBy = this.getDefaultFilterBy(nextProps);
// Only need to check shallowly since the filterBy shouldn't be nested
if (!isShallowEqual(this.state.filterBy, newDefaultFilterBy)) {
filterBy = newDefaultFilterBy;
page = 1;
// Only load if we are applying a new filter or if it's the first time we can
// load the piece list
if (nextProps.canLoadPieceList && (filterBy || !this.props.canLoadPieceList)) {
this.loadPieceList({ page, filterBy });
} }
}, },
@ -90,14 +129,29 @@ let PieceList = React.createClass({
this.setState(state); this.setState(state);
}, },
getDefaultFilterBy(props = this.props) {
const { filterParams } = props;
const defaultFilterBy = {};
if (filterParams && typeof filterParams.forEach === 'function') {
filterParams.forEach(({ items }) => {
items.forEach((item) => {
if (typeof item === 'object' && item.defaultValue) {
defaultFilterBy[item.key] = true;
return defaultFilterBy;
paginationGoToPage(page) { paginationGoToPage(page) {
return () => { return () => {
// if the users clicks a pager of the pagination, // if the users clicks a pager of the pagination,
// the site should go to the top // the site should go to the top
document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; document.body.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(page, this.state.pageSize, this.state.search, this.loadPieceList({ page });
this.state.orderBy, this.state.orderAsc,
}; };
}, },
@ -116,31 +170,35 @@ let PieceList = React.createClass({
}, },
searchFor(searchTerm) { searchFor(searchTerm) {
PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(1, this.state.pageSize, searchTerm, this.state.orderBy, this.loadPieceList({
this.state.orderAsc, this.state.filterBy); page: 1,
this.history.pushState(null, this.props.location.pathname, {page: 1}); search: searchTerm
this.history.pushState(null, this.props.location.pathname, {page: 1});
}, },
applyFilterBy(filterBy){ applyFilterBy(filterBy){
isFilterDirty: true
// first we need to apply the filter on the piece list // first we need to apply the filter on the piece list
PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(1, this.state.pageSize, this.state.search, this
this.state.orderBy, this.state.orderAsc, filterBy) .loadPieceList({ page: 1, filterBy })
.then(() => { .then(() => {
// but also, we need to filter all the open edition lists // but also, we need to filter all the open edition lists
this.state.pieceList this.state.pieceList
.forEach((piece) => { .forEach((piece) => {
// but only if they're actually open // but only if they're actually open
const isEditionListOpenForPiece = this.state.isEditionListOpenForPieceId[piece.id]; if(this.state.isEditionListOpenForPieceId[piece.id].show) {
pieceId: piece.id,
if (isEditionListOpenForPiece && isEditionListOpenForPiece.show) { });
EditionListActions.refreshEditionList({ });
pieceId: piece.id,
// we have to redirect the user always to page one as it could be that there is no page two // we have to redirect the user always to page one as it could be that there is no page two
// for filtered pieces // for filtered pieces
@ -152,35 +210,97 @@ let PieceList = React.createClass({
orderBy, this.state.orderAsc, this.state.filterBy); orderBy, this.state.orderAsc, this.state.filterBy);
}, },
loadPieceList({ page, filterBy = this.state.filterBy, search = this.state.search }) {
const orderBy = this.state.orderBy || this.props.orderBy;
return PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(page, this.state.pageSize, search,
orderBy, this.state.orderAsc, filterBy);
fetchSelectedPieceEditionList() {
let filteredPieceIdList = Object.keys(this.state.editionList)
.filter((pieceId) => {
return this.state.editionList[pieceId]
.filter((edition) => edition.selected).length > 0;
return filteredPieceIdList;
fetchSelectedEditionList() {
let selectedEditionList = [];
.forEach((pieceId) => {
let filteredEditionsForPiece = this.state.editionList[pieceId].filter((edition) => edition.selected);
selectedEditionList = selectedEditionList.concat(filteredEditionsForPiece);
return selectedEditionList;
handleAclSuccess() {
PieceListActions.fetchPieceList(this.state.page, this.state.pageSize, this.state.search,
this.state.orderBy, this.state.orderAsc, this.state.filterBy);
.forEach((pieceId) => {
render() { render() {
let loadingElement = <AscribeSpinner color='dark-blue' size='lg'/>; const {
let AccordionListItemType = this.props.accordionListItemType; accordionListItemType: AccordionListItemType,
bulkModalButtonListType: BulkModalButtonListType,
orderParams } = this.props;
const loadingElement = <AscribeSpinner color='dark-blue' size='lg'/>;
const selectedEditions = this.fetchSelectedEditionList();
const availableAcls = getAvailableAcls(selectedEditions, (aclName) => aclName !== 'acl_view');
setDocumentTitle(getLangText('Collection')); setDocumentTitle(getLangText('Collection'));
return ( return (
<div> <div>
<PieceListToolbar <PieceListToolbar
className="ascribe-piece-list-toolbar" className="ascribe-piece-list-toolbar"
searchFor={this.searchFor} searchFor={this.searchFor}
searchQuery={this.state.search} searchQuery={this.state.search}
filterParams={this.props.filterParams} filterParams={filterParams}
orderParams={this.props.orderParams} orderParams={orderParams}
filterBy={this.state.filterBy} filterBy={this.state.filterBy}
orderBy={this.state.orderBy} orderBy={this.state.orderBy}
applyFilterBy={this.applyFilterBy} applyFilterBy={this.applyFilterBy}
applyOrderBy={this.applyOrderBy}> applyOrderBy={this.applyOrderBy}>
{this.props.customSubmitButton ? {customSubmitButton ?
this.props.customSubmitButton : customSubmitButton :
<button className="btn btn-default btn-ascribe-add"> <button className="btn btn-default btn-ascribe-add">
<span className="icon-ascribe icon-ascribe-add" /> <span className="icon-ascribe icon-ascribe-add" />
</button> </button>
} }
</PieceListToolbar> </PieceListToolbar>
<PieceListBulkModal className="ascribe-piece-list-bulk-modal" /> <PieceListBulkModal
className="text-center ascribe-button-list collapse-group">
<PieceListFilterDisplay <PieceListFilterDisplay
filterBy={this.state.filterBy} filterBy={this.state.filterBy}
filterParams={this.props.filterParams}/> filterParams={filterParams}/>
<AccordionList <AccordionList
className="ascribe-accordion-list" className="ascribe-accordion-list"
changeOrder={this.accordionChangeOrder} changeOrder={this.accordionChangeOrder}
@ -198,6 +318,7 @@ let PieceList = React.createClass({
<AccordionListItemType <AccordionListItemType
className="col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-offset-2 ascribe-accordion-list-item" className="col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-offset-2 ascribe-accordion-list-item"
content={piece} content={piece}
key={i}> key={i}>
<AccordionListItemTableEditions <AccordionListItemTableEditions
className="ascribe-accordion-list-item-table col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-offset-2" className="ascribe-accordion-list-item-table col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-offset-2"

View File

@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ let PieceListFilterDisplay = React.createClass({
render() { render() {
let { filterBy } = this.props; let { filterBy } = this.props;
let filtersWithLabel = this.transformFilterParamsItemsToBools();
// do not show the FilterDisplay if there are no filters applied // do not show the FilterDisplay if there are no filters applied
if(filterBy && Object.keys(filterBy).length === 0) { if(filterBy && Object.keys(filterBy).length === 0) {
return null; return null;
} else { } else {
const filtersWithLabel = this.transformFilterParamsItemsToBools();
return ( return (
<div className="row"> <div className="row">
<div className="ascribe-piece-list-filter-display col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-offset-2"> <div className="ascribe-piece-list-filter-display col-xs-12 col-sm-10 col-md-8 col-lg-8 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-offset-2">

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import UserStore from '../stores/user_store';
import GlobalNotificationModel from '../models/global_notification_model'; import GlobalNotificationModel from '../models/global_notification_model';
import GlobalNotificationActions from '../actions/global_notification_actions'; import GlobalNotificationActions from '../actions/global_notification_actions';
import PropertyCollapsible from './ascribe_forms/property_collapsible'; import Property from './ascribe_forms/property';
import RegisterPieceForm from './ascribe_forms/form_register_piece'; import RegisterPieceForm from './ascribe_forms/form_register_piece';
import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/general_utils'; import { mergeOptions } from '../utils/general_utils';
@ -44,11 +44,8 @@ let RegisterPiece = React.createClass( {
return mergeOptions( return mergeOptions(
UserStore.getState(), UserStore.getState(),
WhitelabelStore.getState(), WhitelabelStore.getState(),
PieceListStore.getState(), PieceListStore.getState()
{ );
selectedLicense: 0,
isFineUploaderActive: false
}, },
componentDidMount() { componentDidMount() {
@ -66,13 +63,6 @@ let RegisterPiece = React.createClass( {
onChange(state) { onChange(state) {
this.setState(state); this.setState(state);
if(this.state.currentUser && this.state.currentUser.email) {
// we should also make the fineuploader component editable again
isFineUploaderActive: true
}, },
handleSuccess(response){ handleSuccess(response){
@ -96,15 +86,16 @@ let RegisterPiece = React.createClass( {
getSpecifyEditions() { getSpecifyEditions() {
if(this.state.whitelabel && this.state.whitelabel.acl_create_editions || Object.keys(this.state.whitelabel).length === 0) { if(this.state.whitelabel && this.state.whitelabel.acl_create_editions || Object.keys(this.state.whitelabel).length === 0) {
return ( return (
<PropertyCollapsible <Property
name="num_editions" name="num_editions"
checkboxLabel={getLangText('Specify editions')}> checkboxLabel={getLangText('Specify editions')}
<span>{getLangText('Editions')}</span> <span>{getLangText('Editions')}</span>
<input <input
type="number" type="number"
placeholder="(e.g. 32)" placeholder="(e.g. 32)"
min={0}/> min={0}/>
</PropertyCollapsible> </Property>
); );
} }
}, },
@ -117,7 +108,7 @@ let RegisterPiece = React.createClass( {
<Col xs={12} sm={10} md={8} smOffset={1} mdOffset={2}> <Col xs={12} sm={10} md={8} smOffset={1} mdOffset={2}>
<RegisterPieceForm <RegisterPieceForm
{...this.props} {...this.props}
isFineUploaderActive={this.state.isFineUploaderActive} isFineUploaderActive={true}
handleSuccess={this.handleSuccess} handleSuccess={this.handleSuccess}
location={this.props.location}> location={this.props.location}>
{this.props.children} {this.props.children}

View File

@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ const PRRegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
name="digitalWorkKey" name="digitalWorkKey"
label={getLangText('Select the PDF with your work')}> label={getLangText('Select the PDF with your work')}>
<InputFineuploader <InputFineuploader
fileInputElement={UploadButton} fileInputElement={UploadButton()}
isReadyForFormSubmission={formSubmissionValidation.atLeastOneUploadedFile} isReadyForFormSubmission={formSubmissionValidation.atLeastOneUploadedFile}
setIsUploadReady={this.setIsUploadReady('digitalWorkKeyReady')} setIsUploadReady={this.setIsUploadReady('digitalWorkKeyReady')}
createBlobRoutine={{ createBlobRoutine={{
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ const PRRegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
name="thumbnailKey" name="thumbnailKey"
label={getLangText('Featured Cover photo')}> label={getLangText('Featured Cover photo')}>
<InputFineuploader <InputFineuploader
fileInputElement={UploadButton} fileInputElement={UploadButton()}
createBlobRoutine={{ createBlobRoutine={{
url: ApiUrls.blob_thumbnails url: ApiUrls.blob_thumbnails
}} }}
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ const PRRegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
name="supportingMaterials" name="supportingMaterials"
label={getLangText('Supporting Materials (Optional)')}> label={getLangText('Supporting Materials (Optional)')}>
<InputFineuploader <InputFineuploader
fileInputElement={UploadButton} fileInputElement={UploadButton()}
isReadyForFormSubmission={formSubmissionValidation.atLeastOneUploadedFile} isReadyForFormSubmission={formSubmissionValidation.atLeastOneUploadedFile}
setIsUploadReady={this.setIsUploadReady('supportingMaterialsReady')} setIsUploadReady={this.setIsUploadReady('supportingMaterialsReady')}
createBlobRoutine={this.getCreateBlobRoutine()} createBlobRoutine={this.getCreateBlobRoutine()}
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ const PRRegisterPieceForm = React.createClass({
name="proofOfPayment" name="proofOfPayment"
label={getLangText('Proof of payment')}> label={getLangText('Proof of payment')}>
<InputFineuploader <InputFineuploader
fileInputElement={UploadButton} fileInputElement={UploadButton()}
isReadyForFormSubmission={formSubmissionValidation.atLeastOneUploadedFile} isReadyForFormSubmission={formSubmissionValidation.atLeastOneUploadedFile}
setIsUploadReady={this.setIsUploadReady('proofOfPaymentReady')} setIsUploadReady={this.setIsUploadReady('proofOfPaymentReady')}
createBlobRoutine={this.getCreateBlobRoutine()} createBlobRoutine={this.getCreateBlobRoutine()}

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import PieceSubmitToPrizeForm from '../../../../../ascribe_forms/form_submit_to_
import { getLangText } from '../../../../../../utils/lang_utils'; import { getLangText } from '../../../../../../utils/lang_utils';
let SubmitToPrizeButton = React.createClass({ let SubmitToPrizeButton = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
className: React.PropTypes.string, className: React.PropTypes.string,
@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ let SubmitToPrizeButton = React.createClass({
<button <button
disabled disabled
className="btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right"> className="btn btn-default btn-xs pull-right">
{getLangText('Submitted to prize')} <span className="glyphicon glyphicon-ok" {getLangText('Submitted to prize') + ' '}
aria-hidden="true"></span> <span className='ascribe-icon icon-ascribe-ok'/>
</button> </button>
); );
} }

View File

@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ import { setDocumentTitle } from '../../../../../../utils/dom_utils';
*/ */
let PieceContainer = React.createClass({ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
params: React.PropTypes.object, params: React.PropTypes.object
location: React.PropTypes.object
}, },
getInitialState() { getInitialState() {
@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
}, },
render() { render() {
if(this.state.piece && this.state.piece.title) { if(this.state.piece && this.state.piece.id) {
/* /*
This really needs a refactor! This really needs a refactor!
@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ let PieceContainer = React.createClass({
piece={this.state.piece} piece={this.state.piece}
currentUser={this.state.currentUser}/> currentUser={this.state.currentUser}/>
}> }>
<PrizePieceDetails piece={this.state.piece} location={this.props.location}/> <PrizePieceDetails piece={this.state.piece} />
</Piece> </Piece>
); );
} else { } else {
@ -292,8 +291,8 @@ let PrizePieceRatings = React.createClass({
url={ApiUrls.ownership_loans_pieces_request} url={ApiUrls.ownership_loans_pieces_request}
email={this.props.currentUser.email} email={this.props.currentUser.email}
gallery={this.props.piece.prize.name} gallery={this.props.piece.prize.name}
startdate={today} startDate={today}
enddate={endDate} endDate={endDate}
showPersonalMessage={true} showPersonalMessage={true}
showPassword={false} showPassword={false}
handleSuccess={this.handleLoanSuccess} /> handleSuccess={this.handleLoanSuccess} />
@ -426,8 +425,7 @@ let PrizePieceRatings = React.createClass({
let PrizePieceDetails = React.createClass({ let PrizePieceDetails = React.createClass({
propTypes: { propTypes: {
piece: React.PropTypes.object, piece: React.PropTypes.object
location: React.PropTypes.object
}, },
render() { render() {
@ -464,8 +462,7 @@ let PrizePieceDetails = React.createClass({
overrideForm={true} overrideForm={true}
pieceId={this.props.piece.id} pieceId={this.props.piece.id}
otherData={this.props.piece.other_data} otherData={this.props.piece.other_data}
multiple={true} multiple={true} />
</Form> </Form>
</CollapsibleParagraph> </CollapsibleParagraph>
); );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
'use strict'
import React from 'react';
let Vivi23AccordionListItemThumbnailPlaceholder = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<span className="ascribe-thumbnail-placeholder">
export default Vivi23AccordionListItemThumbnailPlaceholder;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More