Add branch naming conventions to

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Tim Daubenschütz 2015-11-03 17:19:04 +01:00
parent 4d526a5568
commit 96e7bd8e49
1 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -42,6 +42,23 @@ For this project, we're using:
* We don't use camel case for file naming but in everything Javascript related
* We use `let` instead of `var`: [SA Post](
Branch names
Since we moved to Github, we cannot create branch names automatically with JIRA anymore.
To not loose context, but still being able to switch branches quickly using a ticket's number, we're recommending the following rules when naming our branches in onion.
where `brief-and-sane-description-of-the-ticket` does not need to equal to the ticket's title.
This allows JIRA to still track branches and pull-requests while allowing us to keep our peace of mind.
**JIRA ticket name:** `AD-1242 - Frontend caching for simple endpoints to measure perceived page load <more useless information>`
**Github branch name:** `AD-1242-caching-solution-for-stores`
SCSS Code Conventions