Rebase remerge

This commit is contained in:
Brett Sun 2016-02-04 13:28:49 +01:00
parent 76a413cee1
commit 95bbe410de
1 changed files with 50 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
Onion is the web client for Ascribe. The idea is to have a well documented,
easy to test, easy to hack, JavaScript application.
Onion is the web client for Ascribe. The idea is to have a well documented, modern, easy to test, easy to hack, JavaScript application.
The code is JavaScript ECMA 6.
The code is JavaScript 2015 / ECMAScript 6.
Getting started
Install some nice extension for Chrom(e|ium):
- [React Developer Tools](
- [Alt Developer Tools](
git clone
cd onion
@ -37,17 +38,34 @@ Additionally, to work on the white labeling functionality, you need to edit your
JavaScript Code Conventions
For this project, we're using:
* 4 Spaces
* We use ES6
* ES6
* We don't use ES6's class declaration for React components because it does not support Mixins as well as Autobinding ([Blog post about it](
* We don't use camel case for file naming but in everything Javascript related
* We use `let` instead of `var`: [SA Post](
* We don't use Javascript's `Date` object, as its interface introduced bugs previously and we're including `momentjs` for other dependencies anyways
* We use `momentjs` instead of Javascript's `Date` object, as the native `Date` interface previously introduced bugs and we're including `momentjs` for other dependencies anyway
Make sure to check out the [style guide](
We use [ESLint]( with our own [custom ruleset](.eslintrc).
SCSS Code Conventions
Install [lint-scss](, check the [editor integration docs]( to integrate the lint in your editor.
Some interesting links:
* [Improving Sass code quality on](
Branch names
To allow Github and JIRA to track branches while still allowing us to switch branches quickly using a ticket's number (and keep our peace of mind), we have the following rules for naming branches:
@ -61,22 +79,21 @@ AD-<JIRA-ticket-id>-brief-and-sane-description-of-the-ticket
where `brief-and-sane-description-of-the-ticket` does not need to equal to the issue or ticket's title.
**JIRA ticket name:** `AD-1242 - Frontend caching for simple endpoints to measure perceived page load <more useless information>`
**Github branch name:** `AD-1242-caching-solution-for-stores`
SCSS Code Conventions
Install [lint-scss](, check the [editor integration docs]( to integrate the lint in your editor.
Some interesting links:
* [Improving Sass code quality on](
Unit Testing
We're using Facebook's jest to do testing as it integrates nicely with react.js as well.
Tests are always created per directory by creating a `__tests__` folder. To test a specific file, a `<file_name>_tests.js` file needs to be created.
@ -86,7 +103,15 @@ This is due to the fact that jest's function mocking and ES6 module syntax are [
Therefore, to require a module in your test file, you need to use CommonJS's `require` syntax. Except for this, all tests can be written in ES6 syntax.
## Workflow
Visual Regression Testing
We're using [Gemini]( for visual regression tests because it supports PhantomJS and SauceLabs.
Generally, when you're runing `gulp serve`, all tests are being run.
If you want to test exclusively (without having the obnoxious ES6Linter warnings), you can just run `gulp jest:watch`.
@ -137,9 +162,16 @@ A: Easily by starting the your gulp process with the following command:
Or, by adding these two your environment variables:
Q: I want to know all dependencies that get bundled into the live build.
A: ```browserify -e js/app.js --list > webapp-dependencies.txt```
Reading list
@ -152,7 +184,6 @@ Start here
- [alt.js](
- [alt.js readme](
Moar stuff